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Al Gore â€

Albert Arnold Gore Jr. (born March 31, 1948) is an American politician and environmental activist who served as the 45th United States Vice President from 1993 to 2001. Gore was a companion partner of Bill Clinton in their success. campaign in 1992, and the pair was re-elected in 1996. Toward the end of Clinton's second term, Gore was elected as a Democratic candidate for the 2000 presidential election, but lost a very close vote after a recount in Florida. After his tenure as vice-president ended in 2001, Gore remains prominent as a writer and environmental activist, whose work on climate change activism earned him (with the IPCC) the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

Gore was an elected official for 24 years. He was Representative from Tennessee (1977-85) and 1985-1993 served as one of the state Senators. He served as Vice President during the Clinton administration from 1993 to 2001. The 2000 presidential election was one of the closest presidential elections in history. Gore won a popular vote, but lost in Republican opponent George W. Bush's election in Electoral College. A controversial election dispute over a recount in Florida was finalized by the US Supreme Court, which ruled 5-4 in favor of Bush.

Gore is the founder and chair of the current Climate Protection Alliance, founder and chairman of the Generation Investment Management and current TV network that is now dead, a member of Apple Inc.'s Board of Directors, and senior advisor to Google. Gore is also a partner in the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & amp; Byers, leads his climate change solution group. She has served as visiting professor at Middle Tennessee State University, Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, Fisk University, and University of California, Los Angeles. He serves on the Board of Directors of the World Resources Institute.

Gore has received numerous awards including the Nobel Peace Prize (awards together with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007), Grammy Award for Best Spoken Album (2009) for his book An Inconvenient Truth, Emmy Primetime for Current TV (2007), and Webby Award (2005). Gore is also the subject of the 2007 Academy Award-winning documentary entitled "Unpleasant Truth" in 2006. In 2007, he was voted runner-up for People of the Year.

Video Al Gore

Early life and education

Gore was born on March 31, 1948 in Washington, DC, the second child of two children from Albert Gore Sr. (1907-1998), a US Representative who later served for 18 years as US Senator from Tennessee, and Pauline (LaFon) Gore (1912-2004), one of the first women to graduate from Vanderbilt University Law School. Gore is a descendant of Scottish-Irish immigrants who first settled in Virginia in the mid-17th century and moved to Tennessee after the Revolutionary War. Her sister, Nancy LaFon Gore (1938-1984) died of lung cancer.

During the school year he lived with his family at The Fairfax Hotel in the Embassy Row section of Washington D.C. During the summer months, he worked on a family farm in Carthage, Tennessee, where Gores grew tobacco and straw and reared cattle.

Gore attended St. Albans School, an independent prep school and boarding school for boys in Washington, D.C., from 1956 to 1965, the prestigious feeder school for the Ivy League. He is the captain of the football team, throwing the discus for track and field teams, and participating in basketball, art, and government. He graduated 25th in class 51, applied to Harvard and accepted.

Maps Al Gore

Personal life

Gore meets Mary Elizabeth "Tipper" Aitcheson (b.1948) at her prom in St. Louis. Albans in 1965. He is from St. Nearest Agnes. Tipper followed Gore to Boston to attend college, and they got married at the Washington National Cathedral on May 19, 1970.

They have four children - Karenna Gore (b) 1973), Kristin Carlson Gore (born 1977), Sarah LaFon Gore (born 1979), and Albert Arnold Gore III (born 1982).

In June 2010 (shortly after buying a new home), Gores announced via email that after "long and careful consideration", they had made a joint decision to part. In May 2012, it was reported that Gore started dating Elizabeth Keadle from California.

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Gore enrolled at Harvard College in 1965; Initially he planned to major in English and write a novel but then decided to major in government. On the second day on campus, he began campaigning for the new student administration council and was elected president.

Gore is a loyal reader who falls in love with scientific and mathematical theories, but he does not succeed in science lessons and avoids mathematics. For the first two years, his grades placed him at a fifth lower than his class. During his second year, he reportedly spent most of his time watching television, shooting pools, and occasionally smoking marijuana. In his junior and senior years, he became more involved with his studies, producing As and Bs. In his senior year, he took classes with oceanographer and global warming expert Roger Revelle, which sparked Gore's interest in global warming and other environmental concerns. Gore earned an A on his thesis, "The Impact of Television on Presidential Behavior, 1947-1969", and graduated with A.B. cum laude in June 1969.

Gore was on campus during the era of anti-Vietnam War protests. He opposed the war, but he did not agree with the tactics of the student protest movement. He thought it was ridiculous and a teenager to use a private university as a place to wreak a rage in the war. He and his friends did not participate in Harvard demonstrations. John Tyson, a former roommate, recalls that "We strongly distrust these movements... We are a fairly traditional group of people, positive for civil rights and women's rights but formal, transformed by social revolution to some extent but did not buy into something that we consider to be detrimental to our country. "Gore helped his father write an anti-war speech to the Democratic National Convention of 1968 but remained with his parents in their hotel room during violent protests.

Military services

When Gore graduated in 1969, he soon qualified for conscription. His father, an anti-Vietnam War critic, was facing re-election in 1970. Gore finally decided that enlisting in the Army would be the best way he could contribute to the anti-war effort. It will also increase the prospect of his father's re-election. Although almost all of his classmates at Harvard avoid design and service in Vietnam, Gore believes that if he finds his way around the military service, he will hand the matter over to his father's Republican opponent. According to Senate Gore's biography, "He appeared uniformed in his father's campaign ad, one of which ended with his father advising: 'Child, always love your country'." Nevertheless, Gore Sr lost the election.

Gore says that another reason to sign up is that he does not want someone with fewer options than he can to replace him. Actor Tommy Lee Jones, a former housemate on campus, reminds Gore that "if he finds a fancy way of not leaving, other people have to go to his place". His Harvard advisor, Richard Neustadt, also declared that Gore decided, "that he should go as an enlisted man because, he says, 'In Tennessee, that's what most people should do. ' " In addition, Michael Roche, Gore's editor for The Castle Courier , stated that "anyone who knows Al Gore in Vietnam knows he can sit on his ass and he does not."

After registering in August 1969, Gore returned to Harvard's anti-war campus in his military uniform to bid farewell to his advisor and "mocked" by the students. He then said he was astonished by the "emotional field of negativity and disagreement and the stabbing gaze that... must have felt like real hatred".

Gore had basic training at Fort Dix from August to October, and was then assigned to be a journalist at Fort Rucker, Alabama. In April 1970, he was given the name "Warrior of the Month" Rucker.

His orders to be sent to Vietnam were "on hold" for some time, and Gore's family suspected that this was caused by a fear by the Nixon government that if anything happened to him, his father would gain sympathy. He was finally sent to Vietnam on January 2, 1971, after his father lost his seat in the Senate during the 1970 Senate election, becoming one "only about a dozen 1,115 Harvard graduates in Class '69 who went to Vietnam. Gore is stationed with Engineer Brigade 20 at Bien Hoa and a journalist with The Castle Courier. He received the honorable dismissal of the Army in May 1971.

From time in the Army, Gore later stated, "I do not do the most, or run the most severe danger, but I am proud to wear my country uniform." He also later stated that his experience in Vietnam

did not change my conclusions about the war that was a big mistake, but I realized that the opponents of war, myself included, did not take into account the fact that there were so many South Vietnamese people desperate to survive for what they called freedom. Faced with the sentiments expressed by the people doing the laundry and managing the restaurant and working in the fields is something I naively did not prepare.

Vanderbilt and journalism

Gore "despair" after returning from Vietnam. notes that "his father's defeat makes the service in conflict he is strongly opposed to even more disgusting for Gore.His experience in the war zone does not seem too traumatic in themselves, although the engineers are sometimes shot at, Gore says he does not see a scale battle but he felt that his participation in the war was wrong. "

Although his parents wanted him to go to law school, Gore first attended the Vanderbilt University Divinity School (1971-72) with a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship for people planning secular careers. He then said he went there to explore the "spiritual problem", and that "he hopes to understand the social injustices that seem to challenge his religious beliefs."

In 1971, Gore also began work night shift for The Tennessean as an investigative reporter. His investigation into corruption among members of the Nashville Metro Council resulted in the arrest and prosecution of two council members for a separate offense.

In 1974, he took time off from The Tennessean to attend Vanderbilt University Law School. His decision to become a lawyer is a partial result of his time as a journalist, when he realizes that, when he can expose corruption, he can not change it. Gore did not complete law school, decided suddenly, in 1976, to run in the US House of Representatives when he discovered that his father's former chair in the House would soon be vacated.

Al Gore: Averting the climate crisis | TED Talk

Congress (1977-1993)

Gore began serving in the US Congress at the age of 28 and lived there for the next 16 years, serving in both the House (1977-85) and the Senate (1985-93). Gore spent many weekends in Tennessee working with his constituents.

Home and Senate

In late February 1976, US Representative Joe L. Evins unexpectedly announced his resignation from Congress, making the seat of the 4th congress district in Tennessee, where he succeeded Albert Gore Sr. in 1953. A few hours after the publisher of The Tennessean, John Seigenthaler Sr. calling him to tell him that the announcement is coming up soon, Gore decides to quit law school and run for House of Representatives:

Gore's sudden decision to run in an open seat even surprised him; He then said that "I do not realize myself, I have been pulled back so much to get there." The news came as a "bomb" for his wife. Tipper Gore held a job in the photo lab Tennessean ' and was working on a master's degree in psychology, but she joined in her husband's campaign (with the assurance that she could get her job at > The Tennessean returns if he loses). Instead, Gore asked his father to stay out of his campaign: "I have to be my own man," he explained. "I'm definitely not your nominee."

Gore won the 1976 election in the Democrats for the district with "32 percent of the vote, three percent more than his closest rival", and was only opposed by an independent candidate in the election, accounting for 94 percent of the overall vote. He went on to win the next three elections, in 1978, 1980, and 1982, in which "he was not countered twice and won 79 percent of the vote at other times". In 1984, Gore managed to run for the US Senate, which had been vacated by Majority Leader Howard Baker's Main Senator. He was "unchallenged in the Democratic Senator's primary party and won the election away", despite the fact that Republican President Ronald Reagan swept Tennessee in a re-election campaign that same year. Gore defeated Republican senator Victor Ashe, who later became Knoxville's mayor, and independently-transformed Republican Ed McAteer, founder of the Christian Roundtable organization that had worked to elect Reagan as president in 1980.

During his time at the Congress, Gore was considered "moderate" (he once referred to himself as a "raging moderate") against federal abortion financing, voted in favor of a bill supporting the silent moments in schools, and voted against the ban on arms sales interstate. In 1981, Gore was quoted as saying in connection with homosexuality, "I think it's wrong," and "I do not pretend to understand it, but it's not just a normal optional lifestyle." In his 1984 Senate race, Gore said when discussing homosexuality, "I do not believe it is just an acceptable alternative that society should assert." He also said that he would not take campaign funding from gay rights groups. Although he maintained a position against homosexuality and gay marriage in the 1980s, Gore said in 2008 that he thought "gay men and women should have the same rights as heterosexual men and women... to join together in marriage." His position as moderate (and the policies associated with that label) shifted in the future after he became Vice President and ran for president in 2000.

During his time at the House, Gore sits on the Committee on Energy and Trade and Science and Technology, leading the Subcommittee of the Science Committee on Supervision and Investigation for four years. He also sat on the House Intelligence Committee and, in 1982, introduced the Gore Plan for weapons control, to "reduce the chances of the first nuclear attack by cutting several warheads and deploying a single warhead cellular launcher." While in the Senate, he sits on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, Regulations and Administration, and the Armed Services Committee. In 1991, Gore was one of ten Democrats who supported the Gulf War.

Gore is one of the Atari Democrats named for their "zeal for technological issues, from biomedical research and genetic engineering to the environmental impact of the greenhouse effect". On March 19, 1979, he became the first Congressman to appear in C-SPAN. During that time, Gore led the Congress of Clearinghouse in the Future with Newt Gingrich. In addition, he has been described as "an original nerd, with a geek walking reputation back to his days as an Atari Democrat futurist in the House. Before computers were understood, let alone sexy, poker-faced Gore struggled to explain artificial intelligence and fiber-optic networks to sleepy companions. "Internet pioneers Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn noted that,

as far back as the 1970s, Gore Congress promoted the idea of ​​high-speed telecommunications as an engine for economic growth and enhancement of our educational system. He was the first elected official to understand the potential of computer communications to have a broader impact than simply improving the behavior of science and scholarship [...] The Internet, as we know it today, was not deployed until 1983. When the Internet was in its early stages of dissemination, The Gore Congress provides intellectual leadership by helping to create a vision of the potential benefits of computing and high-speed communications.

Gore introduced the Supercomputer Network Study Act of 1986. He also sponsored an audience on how sophisticated technology can be used in such areas as coordinating the response of government agencies to natural disasters and other crises. "

As a Senator, Gore started making the High Performance Computing Act of 1991 (usually referred to as "The Gore Bill") after hearing the 1988 report Toward a National Research Network submitted to Congress by a group headed by UCLA's computer science professor Leonard Kleinrock, one of the major authors of the ARPANET (ARPANET, first used by Kleinrock and others in 1969, was the predecessor of the Internet). The bill was passed on 9 December 1991, and led to the National Information Infrastructure (NII) that Gore referred to as "superhighway information."

After joining the House of Representatives, Gore held "the first congress meeting on climate change, and co-sponsored [ed] a hearing on toxic waste and global warming." He continued to talk about this topic throughout the 1980s. In 1990, Senator Gore led a three-day conference with legislators from over 42 countries seeking to create a Marshall Global Plan, in which industrialized nations will help developing countries less economically growing while keep protecting the environment. "

Son's first crash and book 1989

On April 3, 1989, Al, Tipper and their six-year-old son Albert left a baseball game. Albert ran across the street to meet his friend and was hit by a car. He was thrown 30 feet (9 m) and then traveled along the sidewalk for 20 feet (6 m). Gore then recalled: "I ran to his side and held him and called his name, but he did not move, limp and silent, without breath or pulse [...] His eyes opened with blank stare from death, and we prayed, both of us , right there in the ditch, just with my voice. "Albert was inclined by two nurses who happened to be present during the crash. The Gores family spent the next month at the hospital with Albert. Gore also commented: "Our lives are spent with the struggle to recover his body and spirit." This incident was "a trauma so devastating that [Gore] saw it as a moment of personal rebirth", "an important moment in his life" that "changed everything."

In August 1991, Gore announced that his son's accident was a factor in his decision not to run for president during the 1992 presidential election. Gore stated: "I want to be President [...] But I am also a father, and I feel very deep about my responsibilities to my children [...] I do not feel right about getting rid of my family as far as necessary in the Presidential campaign. "During this time, Gore wrote Earth in the Balance , a text that became the first book written by US Senator sitting to make The New York Times The Best Seller List since John F. Profile in Courage .

Al Gore: Averting the climate crisis | TED Talk

The first presidential (1988)

Gore campaigned for the Democratic nomination for the United States President against Joe Biden, Gary Hart, Dick Gephardt, Paul Simon, Jesse Jackson, and Michael Dukakis (who eventually won the Democratic nomination). Gore carries seven countries in the preliminary election, finishing third overall.

Although Gore initially denied that he intended to run, his candidacy was the subject of speculation: "National analysts make Senator Gore long for the presidential nomination, but many believe he can provide a natural complement to one of the other candidates: a young vice president candidate, moderate from the South.He is currently denying any interest, but he is careful not to refuse the idea from the hand. "At that time, he was 39, making him" the youngest presidential candidate since John F. Kennedy. "

CNN notes that, "in 1988, for the first time, 12 Southern states will hold their introduction on the same day, dubbed" Super Tuesday. "Gore thinks he will be the only serious South competitor, he does not count on Jesse Jackson. "Jackson defeated Gore in South Carolina Primer, winning," more than half the total votes, three times more than his closest rival here, Senator Albert Gore Jr. from Tennessee. " Gore placed great expectations on Super Tuesday where they divided the South vote: Jackson won Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Virginia; Gore won Arkansas, North Carolina, Kentucky, Nevada, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. Gore was later endorsed by New York City Mayor Ed Koch, who made the statement in favor of Israel and opposed Jackson. These statements cast Gore in a negative light, bringing voters away from Gore who received only 10% of the vote in New York Primary. Gore then out of the race. The New York Times says that Gore also lost support because of his attacks on Jackson, Dukakis, and others.

Gore was finally able to improve relations with Jackson, who supported Clinton-Gore tickets in 1992 and 1996, and campaigned for Gore-Lieberman tickets during the 2000 presidential election. Gore's policy changed substantially in 2000, reflecting eight years as Vice President.

Al Gore blames record U.S. cold on climate change â€

presidential election 1992

Gore initially hesitated to become Bill Clinton's spouse for the 1992 US presidential election, but after clashing with George H. W. Bush's administration of global warming issues, he decided to accept the offer. Clinton declared that he chose Gore because of his foreign policy experience, working with the environment, and commitment to his family.

Clinton's choice was criticized as unconventional because instead of choosing a candidate who would diversify tickets, Clinton chose a Southern colleague who shared his political ideology and who was almost as old as Clinton. The head of the Washington Bureau for The Baltimore Sun, Paul West, later stated that, "Al Gore revolutionized the way the Vice President was made.When he joined Bill Clinton's ticket, it broke the old rule.Regional Diversity? (...) However, Gore has been regarded by strategists in both parties as the best vice-president in at least 20 years. "

Clinton and Gore received nominations at the Democratic National Convention on July 17, 1992. Known as the Baby Boomer Ticket and The Fortysomething Team, The New York Times noted that if elected, Clinton and Gore, at the age of 45 and 44 respectively, will be "the youngest team to reach the White House in the country's history." They were the first tickets since 1972 to try to capture the youth's voice. Gore called the ticket a "new generation of leadership".

Tickets were gaining popularity after the candidates traveled with their wives, Hillary and Tipper, in a "six-day bus ride, 1,000 miles, from New York to St. Louis." Gore also debates other vice-presidential candidates, Dan Quayle, and James Stockdale. Clinton-Gore tickets beat Bush-Quayle tickets, 43% -38%.

Al Gore Warns That Trump Is A 'Distraction' From The Issue Of ...

Vice Presidency (1993-2001)

Al Gore served as Vice President during the Clinton Administration. Clinton and Gore were inaugurated on January 20, 1993. At the beginning of the first semester, they developed a "two page agreement that outlines their relationship". Clinton is committed to attending regular lunch meetings; he recognized Gore as the nominee's main advisor and appointed several of Gore's chief advisers for White House staff positions. Clinton engaged Gore in his decision-making to an unprecedented level for the Vice President. Through his weekly lunches and daily conversations, Gore becomes the "undisputed head counselor" of the president.

However, Gore must compete with First Lady Hillary for President Clinton's influence, beginning when she is appointed to a health care task force without consulting Gore. Vanity Fair writes that "the President's failure to vent in his vice-president is a sign of predictors of a real power order", and reported "it is an open secret that some Hillary advisers... foster the dream that Hillary, not Gore , will follow Bill in the presidency ".

Gore has a special interest in reducing "waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government and advocating for cuts in bureaucratic size and number of rules." During the Clinton Administration, the US economy expanded, according to David Greenberg (professor of history and media studies at Rutgers University) who said that "by the end of the Clinton presidency, the numbers are equally impressive." In addition to record high surpluses and low poverty rates, boasts the longest economic expansion in history, the lowest unemployment since the early 1970s, and the lowest poverty rate for single mothers, blacks Americans, and the elderly. "

According to Leslie Budd, author of E-economy: Rhetoric or Business Reality , this economic success is due in part to Gore's continuing role as Atari Democrat promoting the development of information technology, which led to the dot-com boom (c 1995-2001). Clinton and Gore entered the planning office to finance research that would "flood the economy with innovative goods and services, lift the general level of prosperity and strengthen the American industry." Their overall goal is to finance the development of "robotics, smart roads, biotechnology, machine tools, magnetic-levitation trains, optical fiber communications and national computer networks." Also allocated basic raft technologies such as imaging and digital data storage. Critics claim that the initiative will "backfire, swell the pork of Congress and create a new category of Federal waste."

During his election and tenure as Vice President, Gore popularized the term "Information Superhighway", which became synonymous with the Internet, and he was involved in the creation of the National Information Infrastructure. Gore first discussed his plan to emphasize information technology at UCLA on January 11, 1994, in a speech at The Superhighway Summit. He is involved in a number of projects including NetDay'96 and 24 Hours in Cyberspace. The Clinton-Gore Administration also launched the first White House official website in 1994 and later versions until 2000. Clipper Chip, "inherited by Hillary of the National Security Agency effort for several years", is a hardware encryption method with a government backdoor.. It met with strong opposition from civil liberties groups and was abandoned in 1996.

Gore is also involved in environmental initiatives. He launched the GLOBE program on Earth Day '94, an educational and science activity that, according to Forbes magazine , "makes extensive use of the Internet to raise students' awareness of their environment". In 1998, Gore began promoting the NASA (Deep Space Climate Observatory) satellite that would provide a constant view of the Earth, marking the first time such a picture would be made since The Blue Marble photograph from 1972 Apollo 17 mission. This time, he also became associated with Earth Digital.

Gore negotiated and strongly supported the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gases, but said after returning that the government would not submit the agreement to the Senate for ratification until it was amended to include "meaningful participation by key emerging countries", the Senate earlier graduated with a vote (95-0) Byrd-Hagel Resolution (S. Res 98), which declared against a greenhouse gas deal that would limit the same unlimited US emissions to third world countries such as China. The Clinton administration left office three years later without submitting an agreement for ratification.

In 1996, Gore was involved in a financial controversy over his presence at an event at the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple in Hacienda Heights, California. In an interview on NBC's the following year, Gore said, "I did not know it was a fundraiser I knew it was a political event, and I knew there were financial people coming, that alone should say to me, 'This is inappropriate and this is a mistake: do not do this.' "In March 1997, Gore had to explain the phone call he made to ask for funds for the Democratic Party for the 1996 election. In a press conference, Gore stated that," all my calls are charged to the Democratic National Committee I was told there was nothing wrong with it My advice told me that there is no controlling legal authority that says it is a violation of any law. "The phrase" not controlling the authority of the law "was criticized by Charles Krauthammer , which states: "Whatever other legacies Al Gore left between now and retirement, he forever inherited this latest ferret to the lexicon of American political corruption." Robert Conrad Jr. is the head of the Justice Department task force appointed by Attorney General Janet Reno to investigate Gore's fundraising controversy. In Spring 2000, Conrad asked Reno to appoint an independent advisor to continue the investigation. Upon seeing this problem, Reno decides that appointing an independent advisor is unwarranted.

During the 1990s, Gore talked about a number of problems. In a 1992 speech on the Gulf War, Gore declared that he twice tried to get the US government to withdraw support for Saddam Hussein, citing the use of Hussein's poison gas, the support of terrorism, and his burgeoning nuclear program, but was opposed. both times by the Reagan and Bush governments. After the Al-Anfal Campaign, where Hussein carried out mustard and nerve gas attacks against Kurdish Iraqis, Gore sponsored the Prevention Genocide Act of 1988, which would cut all aid to Iraq. The bill was defeated in part because of the intense lobbying of Congress by the Reagan-Bush White House and the veto of President Reagan's threat. In 1998, at an APEC conference organized by Malaysia, Gore objected to the indictment, arresting and imprisoning long-time Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad Anwar Ibrahim, a move that received negative feedback from leaders there. Ten years later, Gore returned to protest when Ibrahim was arrested for the second time, a decision condemned by Malaysian foreign minister, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.

Soon thereafter, Gore must also face the Lewinsky scandal, involving relations between President Clinton and a White House apprentice, Monica Lewinsky. Gore originally defended Clinton, who he believed to be innocent, stated, "She is the president of the country! She is my friend [...] I want to ask now, every one of you, to join me in supporting her." After Clinton's dismissal, Gore continues to defend him by stating, "I have defined my job in exactly the same way for six years now [...] to do all I can to help him become the best president."

Former Vice President Al Gore to Deliver 2018 Wilson Lecture ...

The second presidential (2000)

There was talk of the potential that was run in the 2000 presidential election by Gore in early January 1998. Gore discussed the possibility of running for 9 March 1999, an interview with CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer. Responding to Wolf Blitzer's question: "Why Democrats, seeing the Democratic nomination process, supporting you, not Bill Bradley", Gore replied:

I will offer my vision when my campaign starts. And it will be comprehensive and sweeping. And I hope it will be interesting enough to attract people in that direction. I feel it will happen. But it will emerge from my dialogue with the American people. I have been traveling to every part of this country for the last six years. During my ministry at the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I take the initiative to advance initiatives that prove important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our education system.

Former UCLA professor of information study Philip E. Agree and journalist Eric Boehlert argues that three articles on Wired News led to the creation of a widespread urban legend that Gore claims has "discovered the Internet", following this interview. In addition, computer professionals and congressional colleagues argued in his defense. Internet pioneers Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn stated that "we do not think, as some have pointed out, that Gore intends to claim that he" discovered "the Internet.In addition, there is no question in our mind that when serving as a Senator, Gore's initiative has an influence a significant and profitable on the Internet that continues to grow. "Cerf later stated:" Al Gore has seen what happened to the National Interstate and the Defense Highways Act of 1956, which his father introduced as a military bill.It is very strong.Rising housing, suburban boom everybody becomes mobile.Al has grown accustomed to the power of the network more than his elective colleagues.The initiative leads directly to the commercialization of the Internet so he really deserves credit. "In a speech at the American Political Science Association, former Chairman of the Republic of The United States House of Representatives Newt Gingrich also noted "Honestly, that is something that Gore has worked on for a long time. Gore is not the Father of the Internet, but in all fairness, Gore is the one who, in Congress, is most systematically working to ensure that we get to the Internet, and the truth is - and I worked with him starting in 1978 when I arrived at Congress, is part of the "futures group" - the fact is, in the Clinton administration, the world we talked about in the 80s began to really happen. "Finally, Wolf Blitzer (who conducted the original 1999 interview) stated in 2008 that:" I did not ask him about the Internet. I asked him about the difference he had with Bill Bradley [...] Honestly, at that moment, when he said it, I did not realize that this would have an impact in the end, because it was distorted to some degree and people said they took what which he said, which is a carefully phrased comment about taking the initiative and creating the Internet for - I found the Internet. And that is a kind of quick writing, the way the enemy projects it and ultimately becomes a devastating setback for him and it hurts him, for I am sure he admits to this day. "

Gore himself will mock controversy. In 2000, at the Late Show with David Letterman he read the Letterman Top 10 List (which for this event was called "Top Ten Rejected Gore - Lieberman Campaign Slogan") to audience. Number nine in the list is: "Remember, America, I give you the Internet, and I can take it!" In 2005 when Gore was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for three decades of contributing to the Internet at the Webby Awards he joked in his acceptance speech (limited to five words according to Rules) Webby Awards ): "Please do not rewrite this voice." He was introduced by Vint Cerf who used the same format to joke: "We all found the Internet." Gore, who was then asked to add a few more words to his speech, stated: "It's time to rediscover the Internet for all of us to make it stronger and more accessible and use it to revive our democracy."

In a speech he gave on June 16, 1999, in Carthage, Tennessee, Gore officially announced his candidacy for president. The main theme is the need to strengthen American families. She was introduced by her eldest daughter, Karenna Gore Schiff. In making the speech, Gore also distanced himself from Bill Clinton, whom he claimed had lied to him. Gore was "briefly disturbed" by an AIDS protester who claimed Gore was working with the pharmaceutical industry to prevent access to generic drugs for poor countries and shout "Gore's greed." Additional speeches were also interrupted by the demonstrators. Gore replied, "I love this country, I love the First Amendment [...].Let me respond to people who may have chosen an inappropriate way to express their opinion, that the actual AIDS crisis in Africa is one that should be ordered the attention of people in the United States and around the world. "Gore also issued a statement saying that he supports efforts to lower the cost of AIDS drugs, provided they are" conducted in a manner consistent with international treaties. "

While Bill Clinton's approval ratings are about 60%, a study in April 1999 by the Pew Research Center for the People found that respondents suffered "Clinton fatigue" where they were "tired of all issues related to the Clinton administration" including Lewinsky's scandal and impeachment. The Texas governor and Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush led Gore 54% to 41% in the poll during that time. Gore's advisor believes that "the Lewinsky scandal and Bill's feminine past... alienate independent voters - especially soccer mothers, who defend traditional values". As a result, Gore's presidential campaign "veered too far in distinguishing him from Bill and his records and had difficulty taking advantage of the legitimate success of the Clinton administration". In addition, Hillary's candidacy for the open Senate seat in New York aggravated "three-way tensions seen at the White House since 1993," because "Hillary is not only a campaigner, she is also hunting for supporters and funders from the Democratic Party. concentrate on the vice president ". In one instance "Hillary insisted on being invited [for a Los Angeles fundraiser for the vice president] - over the objections of the event organizer", in which the First Lady "shocked the president's supporters by asking for her own contribution in front of Tipper".

Gore faces an early challenge by former New Jersey senator Bill Bradley. Bradley is the only candidate who opposes Gore and is considered a "new face" for the White House. Gore challenged Bradley to a series of debates that took the form of a "town hall" meeting. Gore continued to attack during this debate which led to the election fall for Bradley. In the Iowa caucus, the unions promised their support for Gore, even though Bradley spent a lot of money for the state, and Bradley was very embarrassed by the two-on-one defeat there. Gore went on to capture a 53-47% New Hampshire primer, which is a country that should be won for Bradley. Gore then sweeps all the preliminaries on Super Tuesday while Bradley completes the two deep in each state. On March 9, 2000, after failing to win one of the 20 preliminary and first caucuses in the election process, Bradley withdrew his campaign and supported Gore. Gore eventually won every primary and caucus and, in March 2000 even won the first primary election ever held via the Internet, Arizona Presidential Primary. At that time, he secured the Democratic nomination.

On August 13, 2000, Gore announced that he had chosen Sen. Joe Lieberman from Connecticut as vice president. Lieberman became "the first person of the Jewish faith to run for office of the two countries." Many experts see Gore's choice of Lieberman as a further distance away from him from the Clinton White House scandal. Princess Gore, Karenna, along with her former roommate at Harvard, Tommy Lee Jones, officially nominated Gore as the Democratic presidential candidate for 2000 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, California. Gore received his party's nomination and talked about the main themes of his campaign, stating in particular his plans to extend Medicare to pay for prescription drugs and work for a reasonable universal health care system. Immediately after the service, Gore achieved a campaign trail with life partner Joe Lieberman. Gore and Bush meet a dead end at the polls. They participated in three television debates. While both sides claim victory after each, Gore is criticized as being too rigid, too quiet, or too aggressive, unlike Bush.


On election night, the first news networks called Florida for Gore, then pulled back the projection, and then called Florida for Bush, before finally pulling back on the projection as well. Florida State Minister, Katherine Harris, finally certified Florida's voice. This led to a recalculation of Florida, a move to further research Florida results.

The recalculation in Florida was stopped a few weeks later by the US Supreme Court. In the verdict, Bush v. Gore , the Judge is of the opinion that the recalculation in Florida is unconstitutional and no constitutional constitutional count can be completed by the December 12 deadline, effectively ending the recount. This 7-2 vote ruled that the Florida Supreme Court standard provided for recount was unconstitutional for the violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and subsequently ordered 5-4 that no constitutional constitutional count could be completed on December 12 deadline. The case commands an end to an ongoing recount in selected districts in Florida, effectively giving George W. Bush a 537 vote in Florida and consequently 25 Florida electoral and presidential elections. The result of the decision caused Gore to win popular votes by some 500,000 votes across the country, but received 266 electoral votes for 271 Bush (one of the District of Columbia voters abstained). On December 13, 2000, Gore acknowledged the election. Gore strongly disagreed with the Court's decision, but in his concession address stated that, "for our unity as people and our democratic forces, I offer my concession."

Al Gore Lectures DC Media On Going Green Before Driving Away In ...

Post-Deputy Presidency (2001-present)

Bill Clinton and Gore have maintained an informal public distance for eight years, but they reunited for the media in August 2009. Clinton has arranged for the release of two female journalists held hostage in North Korea. The women are employees of Gore's Current TV. In May 2018, he was incorporated as a member of the Government of India's committee to coordinate the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's birth warning from 2 October 2019.

Criticism of Bush

Beginning in 2002, Gore began to criticize the Bush administration publicly. In a September 23 speech he gave before the Commonwealth Club of California, Gore criticized Bush and Congress for rushing to fight before the outbreak of hostilities in Iraq. He compared this decision with the Persian Gulf War (which Gore had chosen) stating, "In 1991, I was one of a handful of Democrats in the United States Senate to vote in favor of a resolution in favor of the Persian Gulf War [...] But look at the differences between a resolution chosen in 1991 and whose administration proposes that Congress vote in 2002. The situation is completely different.In order to briefly review some of them: in 1991, Iraq had crossed the international border, attacked its sovereign neighbor and annexed its territory. In contrast in 2002, there has been no such invasion. "In a speech given in 2004, during Gore's presidential election, Gore accused George W. Bush of betraying the country using the 9/11 attacks as justification for the invasion of Iraq. The following year, Gore gave a speech covering many topics, including what he called a "religious fanatic" who claimed a special knowledge of God's will in American politics. Gore states: "They even claim that those who disagree with their point of view are at war with the believers." After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Gore hired two planes to evacuate 270 people from New Orleans and criticized the Bush administration's response to the storm. In 2006, Gore criticized Bush's use of domestic wiretapping without a warrant. One month later, in a speech given at the Jeddah Economic Forum, Gore criticized the Arabs treatment in the US after 9/11 stating, "Unfortunately there are terrible offenses and it's wrong [...] I want you to know that it does not represent a desire or the desire or feeling of the majority of my citizens. "Gore's 2007 book, The Assault on Reason, is an analysis of what Gore calls" emptying the idea market "in citizenship discourse during the Bush administration. He attributes this phenomenon to television influence and argues that it endangers American democracy. Instead, Gore argues, the Internet can revitalize and ultimately "redeem the integrity of representative democracy." In 2008, Gore opposed a same-sex marriage ban on his current TV website, stating, "I think that gay men and women should have the same rights as heterosexual men and women to make contracts, have the right to visit the hospital , and join together in marriage. "In a 2009 interview with CNN, Gore commented on former Vice President Dick Cheney's criticism of the Obama administration. Referring to his earlier self-criticism of the Bush administration, Gore stated: "I waited two years after I left the office to make a critical statement, and then from [...] you know, you're talking about someone who should not '" Talking about making countries less secure, attacking countries that do not attack us and pose no serious threat to us at all. "

While Gore criticized Bush for his Katrina response, he did not talk openly about his role in evacuating 270 patients at 3 & amp; September 3rd. 4, 2005, from Charity Hospital in New Orleans to Tennessee. On September 1, Gore was contacted by the Neurosurgeon of Dr. Hospital. David Kline, who has operated his son Albert, through Greg Simon from FasterCures. Kline tells Gore and Simon about the desperate conditions at the hospital and asks Gore and Simon to arrange for help. On Gore's personal finance commitments, two airlines each provide the aircraft with one last flight borne by Larry Flax. The flight was flown by volunteer flight crew and medical staff by Gore's cousin, retired Colonel Dar LaFon, and family doctor Dr. Anderson Spickard and was accompanied by Gore and Albert III. Gore used his political influence to speed up landing rights in New Orleans.

Speculation run by President

People speculate that Gore will be the candidate for the 2004 Presidential Election (bumper sticker, "Re-elect Gore in 2004!" Very popular). On December 16, 2002, however, Gore announced that he would not run in 2004. Although Gore took himself out of the race, a handful of his supporters formed a national campaign to put him together to run. An observer concludes that "Al Gore, who has the best chance of defeating the president in power", notes that "of 43 Presidents, only three are direct descendants of the former President:" John Quincy Adams, Benjamin Harrison, and George W. Bush, that " third winning office just after the anomaly at Electoral College ", that the first two were defeated for re-election in populist reaction, and finally" the ones who first lost to the presidential progris and then defeated them "(ie Andrew Jackson and Grover Cleveland) "each won a kind of immortality - having his image placed on the unit of the US currency", and that Gore must answer this historical call. The motion design, however, failed to convince Gore to run.

Gore's candidacy prospects reappeared between 2006 and early 2008 in connection with the upcoming 2008 presidential election. Although Gore often states that he "does not plan to run", he does not reject the possibility of future engagement in politics that causes speculation that he might run. This is due in part to its increasing popularity after the release of the 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth . Film director Davis Guggenheim states that after the movie's release, "Wherever I go with him, they treat him like a rock star." After An Inconvenient Truth was nominated for an Academy Award, Donna Brazile (head of Gore's campaign of the 2000 campaign) speculated that Gore might announce the possibility of nominating the president during the Oscars. During the 79th Academy Awards ceremony, Gore and actor Leonardo DiCaprio shared the stage to talk about "greening" of the ceremony itself. Gore started giving a speech that seemed to lead to the announcement that he would run for president. However, background music drowned him and he was escorted offstage, implying that it was a joke read out, which he later admitted. After An Inconvenient Truth won an Academy Award for Best Documentary, increased speculation about the possibility of a presidential election. Gore's popularity is indicated in a poll showing that even without running, he comes in second or third place among Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards. Grassroots campaign drills are also being developed in the hope that they can encourage Gore to run. However, Gore remains firm in his decision and refuses to run for president.

The interest to run Gore for the 2016 Presidential election came in 2014 and again in 2015, though he did not declare any intention to do so.

Involvement in a presidential campaign

After announcing that he would not run in the 2004 US presidential election, Gore endorsed Vermont Governor Howard Dean in December 2003, a few weeks before the first round of the election cycle. He was criticized for this support by eight Democrat nominees primarily because he did not support his former partner Joe Lieberman (Gore favored Dean over Lieberman because Lieberman supported the Iraq War and Gore did). Dean's campaign soon became the target of the attack and ultimately failed, with initial support of Gore being credited as a factor. In The New York Times, Dean stated: "I really think that Al Gore's support is starting to decline." The Times further noted that "Dean immediately reinforced his statement to show that the support of Mr. Gore, a large group of founders, thus threatens other Democratic candidates that they initiate an assault on his candidacy which helped thwart him." Former managers Dean's campaign, Joe Trippi, also states that after Gore's support of Dean, "alarm bells ringing in every newsroom of the country, in every other campaign in the country", suggests that if things do not change, Dean will be a candidate. Then, in March 2004, Gore supported John Kerry and gave Kerry $ 6 million in the remaining funds of his failed bid 2000. Gore also opened the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

During the 2008 preliminary election, Gore remained neutral against all candidates that led to speculation that he would quit the 2008 Democratic National Convention brokered as a "compromise candidate" if the party decides it can not nominate one. Gore responded by stating that these events would not occur because a candidate would be nominated through the primary process. Senator Ted Kennedy urged Gore to support Senator Barack Obama despite Gore's refusal. When Obama became Democratic presidential candidate for president on June 3, 2008, speculation began that Gore might be tapped to the vice president. On June 16, 2008, one week after Hillary Clinton suspended her campaign, Gore supported Obama in a speech given in Detroit, Michigan that renewed speculation of Obama-Gore tickets. Gore declared, however, that he was not interested in becoming Vice President again. At the time and nature of Gore's support, some argue that Gore waits because he does not want to repeat the deadly initial support of Howard Dean during the 2004 Presidential Election. On the last night of the 2008 Democratic National Convention, shortly before Obama delivered his acceptance speech, Gore gave a speech offering its full support. Such support led to fresh speculation after Obama was elected President during the 2008 presidential election that Gore would be named a member of the Obama administration. This speculation was enhanced by a meeting held between Obama, Gore and Joe Biden in Chicago on December 9, 2008. However, Democrat officials and Gore spokesmen stated that during the meeting the only subject to discuss was the climate crisis, and Gore did not will join the Obama administration. On December 19, 2008, Gore described Obama's environmental administration options from Carol Browner, Steven Chu, and Lisa Jackson as "an outstanding team to lead the fight against the climate crisis."

Gore repeated his neutrality eight years later during the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries to support Hillary Clinton on July 25, 2016, the first day of the Democratic National Convention that year. Gore appeared with him at a rally at the Kendall Campus of Miami Dade College on October 11, 2016.


Gore has been involved with environmental issues since 1976, when as a new congressman, he held "the first congressional hearing on climate change, and co-sponsored [ed] a hearing on toxic waste and global warming." He continued to talk about this topic throughout the 1980s, and is still prevalent in the environmental community. He is known as one of Atari Democrats, later called the "Green Democrats, politicians who look at issues like clean air, clean water and global warming as a key to the future victory for their party."

In 1990, Senator Gore led a three-day conference with legislators from over 42 countries seeking to create a Marshall Global Plan, in which industrialized nations will help developing countries less economically growing while keep protecting the environment. " In the late 1990s, Gore strongly pushed the passing of the Kyoto Protocol, which called for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. He was opposed by the Senate, who graduated unanimously (95-0) Byrd-Hagel Resolution (S. Res. 98), which states the Senate's sense is that the United States should not be a protocol signatory that does not include binding targets and schedules for develop as well as industrialized countries or "will cause serious damage to the United States economy".

In 2004, he participated in Generation of Investment Management, a company where he served as Chairman. A few years later, Gore also established the Climate Protection Alliance, an organization that eventually founded We Campaign . Gore is also a partner in venture capital firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & amp; Byers, to the group's climate change solutions. She also helps organize live concerts of Live Earth .

In 2013, Gore becomes vegan. He previously admitted that "it is true that the intensity of meat that develops from diets around the world is one of the problems associated with this global crisis - not only because [carbon dioxide] is involved, but also because of the water consumed in the process" and some speculated that the adoption of a new diet was linked to its environmental stance. In an interview in 2014, Gore said, "Over a year ago I changed my diet to a vegan diet, really just to experiment to see what it feels like... I feel better, so I keep doing it and I'm likely will continue for the rest of my life. "

Gore's Unpleasant Sequel: Truth to Power, a sequel to his 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth, aired at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival. The film documents his ongoing efforts to combat climate change.

The "Climate and Health Summit" which was originally to be held by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was canceled without warning at the end of January 2017. A few days later, Gore revived the summit, which he would hold without CDC.

In August 2017 during an interview with LADbible, Al Gore continued to show his support in the fight against climate change by saying "Youth have a key role" The change of this climate movement is the tradition of other immoral major movements that have advanced the cause of human- type ". During the same interview he also said Donald Trump had to 'step down' when asked what advice he would give him.


A conservative think tank Washington D.C., and Republican members of Congress, among others, claim that Gore has a conflict of interest to advocate a green-energy technology taxpayer subsidy in which he has a personal investment. In addition, he has been criticized for above-average energy consumption in the use of private jets, and in having many very large homes, one of which was reported in 2007 due to large amounts of electricity. A Gore spokesman responded by stating that Scratch uses renewable energy that is more expensive than ordinary energy and the Tennessee homes in question have been installed to make it more energy efficient.

Data in An Inconvenient Truth has been questioned. In a 2007 court case, a British judge said that while he "no doubt... the film is generally accurate" and "four major scientific hypotheses... supported by a large amount of research", he upheld nine of "long schedules" alleged mistakes made to court. He decided that the film could be shown to schoolchildren in England if the guidance notes given to teachers were changed to compensate for the one-sided political views of the film. A spokesman for Gore responded in 2007 that the court had upheld the basic thesis of the film and its use as an educational tool. In 2009, Gore described the British court ruling as "benefiting me."

In the late 1980s and 1990s, Gore was criticized for his involvement in requesting the EPA for less restrictive pollution control for the Pigeon River.

Organizations including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) criticize Gore for not advocating vegetarianism as a way for individuals to reduce their carbon footprint. Gore agrees that meat production contributes to increased carbon emissions, but does not want to "go as far as... saying everyone should be vegetarian". He says that even though he is not a vegetarian, he has "cut sharply" p

Source of the article : Wikipedia
