Robert Francis McDonnell (born June 15, 1954) is an American politician and lawyer who served as Virginia's 71st Governor from 2010 to 2014. A member of the Republican Party, McDonnell also serves as an executive committee of the Association Governor of the Republic. McDonnell was a lieutenant colonel at the United States Army Reserve. He served at Virginia House of Delegates from 1992 to 2006, and the Attorney General of Virginia from 2006 to 2009.
McDonnell was elected Governor of Virginia after using the campaign slogan "Bob's for Jobs." He defeated the Democratic State Senate, Dentang Keris by a margin of 17 points in the 2009 election, which was marked by a severe recession in the late 2000s. McDonnell replaces Democrat Tim Kaine who is limited by Virginia law. After serving as governor, McDonnell advocated privatizing and promoting offshore drilling for Virginia. He moved to extend the contract to outsource the country's computer operations and try to fund transportation improvements from asset sales, including a proposal to auction liquor stores operated by Virginia's Alcoholic Beverage Department. The state's unemployment rate declined from 7.4% in January 2010, when McDonnell took office, to 5.2% in December 2013, in proportion to the national unemployment rate dropping from 9.8% to 6.7% over the same period. The McDonnell administration ended with 55% to 32% approval for rejection among registered voters.
On January 21, 2014, McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, were indicted on federal corruption charges for accepting inappropriate gifts and loans from a Virginia businessman. They were sentenced most by federal jurors on September 4, 2014. McDonnell, the first Virginia governor indicted or convicted of crimes, was sentenced on January 6, 2015, two years in prison, followed by two years of supervised release. However, he is free in ties during the subsequent appeals process. On June 27, 2016, the United States Supreme Court unanimously cleared McDonnell's conviction and returned the case to a lower court. Less than three months later, the Justice Department announced that they would not prosecute the case again, and moved to dismiss the allegations against the former governor and his wife.
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McDonnell was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, son of Emma B. Meta (nÃÆ' Â © e Meiller; 1928-1994) and Lieutenant Colonel John Francis McDonnell USAF Ret. (1916-2010). His paternal grandmother was an Irish immigrant, and maternal grandparents came from Alsace-Lorraine in what was then the German Empire. His family moved to Fairfax County, Virginia, in 1955 when he was one year old. He spent four years of his childhood in Germany when his father, an Air Force officer of the United States, was sent for duty. After returning to Virginia, the McDonnell family permanently settled in Fairfax County. Mrs. McDonnell works at Mount Vernon. McDonnell graduated from Bishop Ireton High School in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1972.
McDonnell attended the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, with a ROTC fellowship, graduating with B.B.A. in management in 1976. Immediately after graduation, he served as a medical supplies officer in the United States Army for four years. His military post was a medical clinic in Germany from 1976 to 1979, and in Newport News, Virginia, from 1979 to 1981. In addition, he took a night class and received an MBA from Boston University in 1980. After leaving an active duty in 1981, McDonnell works for the American Hospital Supply Corporation, especially in custom regional product divisions.
His career path shifted from business to law and public policy when he chose a joint degree program at Christian Broadcasting Network University now known as the University of the Bupati. He earned a M.A./J.D. there in 1989. During his studies, McDonnell was apprenticed under Congressman Jerry Lewis (R-California).
McDonnell married Maureen Patricia McDonnell (nÃÆ' Â © e Gardner), with whom he had five children. The eldest, Jeanine, served as an officer of the US Army Signal Corps in Iraq. Their second eldest daughter, Cailin, coordinates youth outreach for Virginia Republican Election efforts in 2009. They also have a middle daughter Rachel who attends Virginia Tech and plans to get married in 2018. McDonnell has twin sons, both graduating from 2014 from the University of Virginia.
Maps Bob McDonnell
House House of Delegates (1992-2006)
Attorney General (2006-2009)
In 2005, McDonnell ran for office as attorney general. He campaigns on issues including protecting children from sexual predators, drug enforcement, identity theft, gang violence, and terrorism. The first result showed him with a 323 vote, over more than 1.9 million votes, over his opponent, Democratic State Senator, Creigh Deeds. The act was submitted for a recount, which began on December 20, 2005. Court decisions limiting recounts only recompile the number of votes rather than checking each optically scanned ballot. After initial numbers revealed 37 more votes for McDonnell and that Deeds could not make a difference, he admitted the following day, giving McDonnell a margin of 323 votes. McDonnell outspent Deeds in an election of nearly $ 1 million. She was inaugurated on January 14, 2006, in Williamsburg, along with Democratic Governor Tim Kaine and Republican Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling.
In 2007, McDonnell "played a key role in preliminary negotiations" on the transport package which is a major issue of disputes in the General Assembly. However, afterwards the package was declared unconstitutional based on the challenges posed by Republican state senators.
Prior to the Sex Workers Fine Arts show at College of William and Mary in 2008, McDonnell banned the sale of group books on the school grounds. McDonnell took a side opposed to the Northern Virginia Episcopalians in a property suit to the right of the Episcopal Episcopalians of Virginia to defend the church property.
In February 2009, McDonnell resigned as attorney general for a full-time campaign for the governor of Virginia in the 2009 election.
2009 campaign for governors
McDonnell announced his candidacy for the 2009 Virginia governor's election in the United States Boyfriend of the United States 2007, making him the seventh consecutive elected to run. Statewide candidates, including McDonnell as governor, are elected at the convention of the Republican State rather than the prime. Less than two weeks later, Creigh Deeds won its party nomination in the primary, setting up a "rematch" of the state attorney race four years earlier.
In early June, Deeds had little advantage, with a 47% -41% advantage in the Rasmussen poll. As the campaign continued, the poll shifted toward McDonnell's interests, with some giving him a lead lead. However, when the Washington Post released McDonnell's thesis from Regent University, McDonnell's merits shrank to just two percent in Rasmussen's election. As the elections got closer, McDonnell's campaign calmed down again. McDonnell defeated Deeds in a 59% -41% vote, receiving the highest percentage of votes for a governor candidate since 1961. At the same time, two other state offices in the ballot were also won by Republicans.
In the political and economic climate marked by the late 2000s recession, McDonnell promised that his priority as governor was work for the Virginians, with campaign slogans such as, "Bob's for Jobs." It supports the rights-to-work law, low government operating expenses, and simplified tax codes. Having lived in various parts of the state, its roadside billboards vary with geographical location, describing it as "Tidewater's Own," "Northern Virginia's Own" and "Fairfax's Own."
McDonnell's campaign strategy serves as a focus on economic issues, transportation, and public safety. McDonnell's proposal includes new job initiatives, improving Virginia tourism, hospitality, and the film industry, making Wallops Island the premier commercial port in America, and expanding growth in rural Virginia. McDonnell proposed steps to move $ 480 million annually from the school administration, and put them directly into the classroom; build more specialized secondary schools to support industries with high demand; enhance online learning through virtual schools; and support the education assistance program. McDonnell has often expressed support for President Barack Obama's ideas to improve parental choices through charter schools.
Identifying as pro-life, McDonnell campaigned as opposed to elective abortion. He does not support the standard exemption on abortion in cases of rape and incest. As a state legislator, he has been a major sponsor of the law to ban partial birth abortions, as well as for legislation requiring parental consent for abortion of minors, and informed consent for women seeking abortion. He opposes state and federal government funding for elective abortions.
McDonnell advocated Virginia as the energy capital of the East Coast. He supports oil drilling off the coast of Virginia while simultaneously developing new technologies for wind, solar, biomass, and other renewable energy resources. He also intends to expand investment in renewable energy sources and encourage the creation of green jobs.
Pistol right
According to Mayors Against Illegal Guns, McDonnell sent a personal letter to the governors of 49 other countries urging them to follow his country in closing the gap that allows mentally unstable people to buy weapons. After the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007, Virginia made this a top priority. McDonnell wrote in his letter: "I believe that we can all work together to help prevent these acts from happening again anywhere in our country I am writing to request your support in providing important information to the National Criminal Background Check System."
However, McDonnell campaigned as a weapon advocate. He holds the "A" rating of the NRA's Political Victory Fund and won their support.
Gay Rights
McDonnell opposes same-sex marriage. He advocated state constitutional amendments that define marriage as between one male and one female.
McDonnell opposes the legalization of marijuana. He then signed a bill that criminalizes the use of synthetic marijuana. It was unanimously approved in both houses and the senate by both political parties.
The McDonnell campaign also shifted to transportation, a major problem in the heavily populated areas of Virginia, advocating the issuance of $ 3 billion in transport bonds approved by the Virginia General Assembly in 2007, but not funded by revenue sources, modernizing the Virginia Department of Transport, and encourage public-private partnerships to improve infrastructure. He supported the I-66 widening inside the Beltway, improved I-95, and completed the Metrorail project to Dulles Airport.
McDonnell criticized Governor Tim Kaine for not expressing his full schedule, and for making a political out-of-state appearance as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. McDonnell stated, "Citizens must be convinced that the governor is taking care of his chosen duties, the governor is the chief executive of Virginia, and represents the commonwealth at all times." However, in March 2010, McDonnell received similar criticism because it revealed very few meetings or political appearances on a publicly released schedule.
McDonnell's 1989 thesis for Regent University is a 93-page document titled Republican Vision for Families: An Interesting Issue of the Decade. This document explores the increase in the number of divorces and illegitimate births, and examines public policies that may have contributed to the improvement and proposed solutions. It received attention in the campaign because it outlined a 15-point conservative agenda, including 10 McDonnell points pursued during its years in the General Assembly, according to a press analysis.
The agenda includes opposing abortion, support for school vouchers and contract marriages, and tax policies favored by heterosexual families. In his thesis, McDonnell writes "government policy should support married couples over 'cohabitators, homosexuals or fornicators.'" McDonnell "describes working women and feminists as 'harmful' to families."
McDonnell also "criticized the crucial decisions of the Supreme Court of 1965" which legalized the use of contraception, writing that "human nature tends toward evil, and when freedom practice takes the form of pornography, drug abuse, or homosexuality, the government must withhold, punish, and deter." McDonnell responding to the article, stating "The Virginians will judge me in my 18-year-old record as a legislator and attorney general as well as the specific plans I have set for our future - not on the decades-old academic paper I wrote as a student during the Reagan era and have not thought about it for years. "
The Washington Post reports that McDonnell maintains: "Like everyone, my view of many issues has changed with age." McDonnell said that his evolving position on family policy was best represented by the welfare reform legislation of 1995 in which he "worked to include childcare under the law so that women would have greater freedom to work."
Organization campaign and financial support
McDonnell's campaign headquarters are located in Richmond. His campaign's financial report for September 15, 2009, indicates that he has nearly 1,500 more new donors than the Deed campaign has total donors, a total of 6,239 donors, and 4,946 of whom are new. During the campaign, McDonnell's largest individual donor was former coal boss Richard Baxter Gilliam, who is also the fifth largest donor of McDonnell after the United States Chamber of Commerce. McDonnell received more than $ 1.5 million from energy and natural resources, including $ 622,198 from coal mining interests.
The McDonnell For Governor campaign prints a variety of bumper stickers that appeal to many interest groups, including "Women for McDonnell," "Athletes for McDonnell," and "Independent for McDonnell." Some appeal to diverse minority groups throughout the Commonwealth. Some showcase certain public university mascots such as the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, James Madison University, Virginia Military Institute, and Old Dominion University. The "Irish for McDonnell" sticker is printed for selected Virginia citizens who are also studying at the University of Notre Dame. The roadside billboard varies with geographic location, describing it as "Tidewater's Own," "Northern Virginia's Own" and "Fairfax's Own." It is alleged that McDonnell failed to comply with the reward disclosure requirements of over $ 15,000 reward that a major campaign donor, Jonnie Williams Sr, was made to cover the cost of catering for her daughter's wedding. McDonnell himself paid $ 8,000 for a caterer and a $ 3,500 refund for additional payments returned to McDonnell, rather than to his daughter, potentially giving McDonnell a financial stake in a donor reward. Virginia requires public disclosure of all prizes to public officials in excess of $ 50.
McDonnell is supported by Sheila Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television and owner of Washington Mystics; Virginia AgPAC: Virginia Political Action Committee of the Virginia Bureau, representing more than 147,000 members; Virginia Association of Realtors, Virginia's largest trade association with over 33,000 members; The Virginia Credit Union League, a trade association representing 200 Commonwealth nonprofit credit unions and 3 million members living in Virginia; The Virginia Chapter of the Independent Business National Federation (NFIB), a group whose membership consists of more than 6,000 small businesses throughout Virginia; and the National Rifle Association, which canceled pro-Deeds 2005 support for the attorney general.
Governor of Virginia
On January 16, 2010, McDonnell was inaugurated as the 71st governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, replacing Kaine as governor. This is the first inauguration ceremony taking place on the recently renovated Virginia State Capitol steps. In accordance with tradition, McDonnell signed an executive order after taking an oath. Instead of following a 30-year practice by signing an executive order prohibiting discrimination in state employment (which he then signed on 5 February), McDonnell signed an order to establish the Commission for Employment Creation and the Virginia Commission on Government Reform and Restructuring.
Two McDonnell appointments invite criticism. On May 7, 2010, McDonnell appointed Fred Malek to lead a 31-member advisory committee to reform the state government created by one of its original executive orders. On May 10, 2010, several Democrats from the Legislature criticized the appointment for Malek's controversial act when the personnel director of the Nixon government and for the completion of the 2007 SEC inquiry. On May 25, 2010, McDonnell was asked about Malek's appointment, stating that he did not know the role Malek in the Nixon administration, a statement by State Sen. A. Donald McEachin (D-Richmond) told The Washington Post that McDonnell's claim was "absolutely amazing and, frankly, beyond belief." McDonnell also nominated Robert C. Sledd as Trade and Commerce Minister but withdrew the nomination in the face of bipartisan opposition spurred by Sledd's refusal to surrender outside the company's board of directors.
On January 27, 2010, McDonnell delivered a Republican response to the State of Union Address of President Barack Obama. The response was submitted to GOP parliamentarians, and invited friends in the Virginia House of Delegates room. Critics argue that the use of the Home space for McDonnell's speech is incompatible with House Rules 82.
After being elected governor, McDonnell shifted fundraising activities to "Virginia PAC Opportunities" which earned $ 1,194,934 until June 2010. Many donations come from state-regulated industries.
In April 2010, McDonnell renegotiated and renewed the contract to divert the country's computer operations to Northrop Grumman. At that time, McDonnell proposed a law, which was passed, to request the Virginia Information Technology Agency report directly to the governor and not to the independent council. Furthermore, McDonnell was criticized when the Northrup computer system suffered a week-long computer outage from August 25 to September 2, 2010. As a result, 45,000 people could not renew their driver's license. Computer systems for nearly a third of the affected state bodies. More than 4,000 people must return to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get their photos recaptured after the August 25 computer outage leaving their original photos that can not be recovered. The system also experienced unrelated disconnections on August 9th. Subsequently, Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $ 250,000 to finance the state's investigation of computer outages.
The 2010 General Assembly session passed a law that freed certain veterans organizations from registration and reporting requirements that apply to most charities seeking a donation in Virginia. The bill was introduced at the request of Bobby Thompson, director of the US Naval Veterans Association (USNVA), who contributed greatly to certain Republican candidates. After the bill passed both the House and the Senate, the newspaper about the charitable practices prompted the bill's sponsor to ask McDonnell to veto, but he signed the bill into law as well. As a result, organizations, currently under investigation in New Mexico (which prohibits USNVA before the signed Virginia law), Florida, and Missouri, and other nonprofit veteran organizations, do not have to report to Virginia about how they spend their donations. McDonnell later donated to a $ 5,000 donation charity he had received from Thompson. In August 2010, Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray announced that a national arrest warrant had been issued for Thompson, who had stolen an identity and Social Security number from a victim who was not connected to the USNVA. Corday stated, "We know he took Ohioans at least $ 1.9 million, and we estimate that nationally he collected at least $ 20 million."
On January 14, 2011, McDonnell issued an order ordering the Department of Conservation and Recreation to stop enforcement of regulations prohibiting the carrying of firearms in state parks. He also gave preliminary approval to change the rules to allow people to carry open or hidden firearms in state forests. The regulation was amended in 2003 to allow hidden weapons in park properties.
On August 15, 2011, McDonnell was appointed chairman of the Republican Governor's Association.
Social issues
Historical Confederation Year Proposal
At the request of Confederate Veterans' Children, McDonnell issued a proclamation that defined April 2010 as "Confederate History Month" after a similar mention by two of his Republican predecessors George Allen (in 1995, 1996 and 1997) and James S. Gilmore, but unlike the two Democratic governors immediately before McDonnell, who did not appoint the month.
Unlike Gilmore's proclamation, which included anti-slavery, the early proclamation of McDonnell eliminated the direct mention of slavery, inviting criticism from the Legend of Black Caucus of Virginia and the NAACP. When initially asked why he made the disappearance, McDonnell stated that "there are a number of aspects to the conflict between countries.It obviously involves slavery.This involves another problem, but I focus on what I think is most significant for Virginia."
On April 7, 2010, McDonnell acknowledged that removing slavery from his proclamation was "a great disappearance," apologizing, and changing the document. McDonnell has previously refused to rule out the possibility that he will run for vice president in 2012; while news analyst Chris Cillizza, Mark Plotkin, and Teddy Davis speculated that the error might have a significant negative impact on McDonnell's chances of future Vice President nomination, the May 22 article
On September 24, 2010, McDonnell spoke at an academic conference on slavery and announced that he would declare April 2011 a "Civil War in Virginia" rather than "Moon of the Confederation of History." He also called the April 2010 proclamation a "hasty and unhealthy mistake."
Country health benefits for same-sex couples
In December 2009, Governor Kaine started a process to expand the health benefits of Virginia employees to same-sex couples. At McDonnell's request, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli issued a legal opinion that changes to the scope of the state health plan could not be made without explicit legislation allowing it, stopping the administration process to make changes. However, McDonnell signed a law allowing Virginia businessmen to offer personal insurance coverage to same-sex couples, after the bill was approved with bipartisan support.
Death penalty for Teresa Lewis
In a controversial decision, McDonnell refused to convert the death penalty to life imprisonment in the case of Teresa Lewis, who was executed on September 23, 2010. She was the first woman to be executed in Virginia since 1912. Calls have been made for leeway. , citing his mental capacity below average.
In 2012, national attention is focused on legislation before the state-controlled Republican state legislature, to request a trans-vaginal ultrasound for every woman considering an abortion in Virginia. Initially McDonnell supported the bill, but retreated after public protests. He persuaded legislators to pass a slightly blackened version requiring a less invasive abdominal ultrasound before abortion and freeing pregnant women from rape or incest, provided they reported it to the police. The reformulated bill is opposed by pro-choice groups and minorities in the legislature, but McDonnell signs it into law on March 7, 2012. McDonnell is called "Vaginal Governor", "Governor of the USG", and other similar cruel moniker by opposing legislators The bill is controversial.
Voting right of recovery for criminals
In April 2010, McDonnell drew criticism from black leaders and civil rights groups when a draft policy proposal was mistakenly sent to 200 criminals, informing them of its decision to ask for a written essay from each applicant seeking voting rights and rights other civil rights restored. Previously, applicants were asked to fill one page of application. Only Virginia and Kentucky require the governor to act upon an individual's request to restore the voting rights.
On May 21, McDonnell announced a new policy on the issue of restoration of rights, imposed a 60-day deadline for his administration to act on the application after all necessary documents were received from the applicant and the court; reducing the time non-violent prisoners should wait to apply for restoration rights from three to two years, and cut the waiting period for reapplication if the request is rejected from two years to one. Democrat Delegate David Englin commented, "By establishing a timely and clearer process for former nonviolent offenders seeking to restore their rights, the Governor's new policy has the potential to make a significant step in the right direction." At the end of his tenure on January 11, 2014, McDonnell has restored the rights of 8,013 former inmates; more than previous governors in Virginia history.
On April 30, 2010, McDonnell officially spent $ 493 million in transport bonds in May 2010 and an additional $ 1.493 billion over five years to finance previously approved transportation projects. The bonds were part of a transport package imposed three years earlier but have not been issued while Republican State Representative Robert Marshall filed a lawsuit that challenged their constitutionality while certain transportation records issued during Gilmore's Government had not been settled. Critics note that Virginia has no source of revenue to amortize bonds. On December 9, 2010, McDonnell announced a revised transport funding plan that included $ 18 billion in approved bonds in 2007, as well as an additional $ 1.1 billion that he proposed to pay back from federal transportation funds in the future. He also proposed to spend $ 150 million from the 2009-2010 budget surplus and $ 250 million in reserves to protect against a shortage of gasoline tax revenues. On January 9, 2011, McDonnell proposed a funding project to address traffic congestion in Northern Virginia and Hampton streets by diverting 0.25% of the sales tax collected in these areas from the General Fund into transportation funds. Legislation is required to implement the proposal, and Democrats respond that income is required in the General Fund for school and public safety and that projected revenues are not sufficient to make a difference on road requirements.
On May 10, 2010, McDonnell filed an application with the Federal Highway Administration requesting permission to collect a toll on Interstate 95 near the North Carolina border. The highway has been built with taxpayer funds, 90% of the federal government and 10% of Virginia's gasoline tax. However, Virginia claims that they do not have enough revenue to keep I-95 at a safe level and propose a toll to raise the projected $ 30 to $ 60 million each year. McDonnell requested the Federal Highway Administration to authorize a toll under "Interstate System Reconstruction and Rehabilitation System" program.
In 2008, the federal government and the Washington Territory Transit Authority have reached an agreement for federal funding of $ 1.5 billion in capital raisings that depend on Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia pledging to develop a special fund for the Metro system. WMATA was created by a combination of states, a kind of agreement between countries similar to agreements or contracts that must also be approved by the US Congress, and was established in 1967 with a board of directors whose members are appointed by each local jurisdiction in its services. area, including four from Virginia appointed by the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC). In June 2010, McDonnell threatened to withhold Virginia WMATA funding unless the WMATA board composition was modified to allow the governor of Virginia to appoint two seats. Interstate compact establish WMATA specifies that Virginia members are selected by NVTC. In turn, Virginia law provides that local jurisdictions appoint members of the Commission. Instead of proposing to amend the law, McDonnell only threatened to withhold Virginia's "special" escort if NVTC did not appoint two of the people he selected rather than appoint representatives of local jurisdictions. On June 17, 2010, Federal Transit Administrator Peter Rogoff needed a formal commitment from Virginia to match his share of federal funds if federal funding would continue. On June 24, 2010, McDonnell withdrew its request to appoint two members of the Metro Council as a prerequisite to make "special" payments scheduled under the 2008 agreement. On July 1, 2010, WMATA Board of Directors agreed to an agreement with Virginia to provide the appropriate funds regardless of demand McDonnell for board seats. Under the agreement, federal funds are reconfirmed, and WMATA signed a $ 886 million contract for 428 new Metrorail cars.
Health care
In April 2010, McDonnell signed a bill that sought to cancel the insurance purchase requirement in the proposed federal healthcare law. On March 10, 2010, before Congress finished the final consideration of the package, a Virginia Healthcare Freedom Act bipartisan passed the General Assembly by a majority of 80-17, signed by McDonnell on March 24, 2010. McDonnell supports Virginia's legal challenge to the constitutionality of End Patient Protection and Law -Use Affordable Care. Although funding for abortion was not debated during the regular session of the General Assembly, McDonnell raised the issue through the use of its amendment veto power. During a veto session on April 21, 2010, Virginia legislature endorsed restrictions on state public funding for elective abortion except in cases of rape, incest, maternal life, or life-threatening fetal anomalies.
In April 2012, McDonnell vetoed HB 399, which sought to improve neonatal care by implementing rapid screening of newborn screening for life-threatening cardiac malformations.
In Virginia, state schools are funded from local real estate taxes as well as public funds under a formula that tries to ensure statewide minimum standards called "The Standards of Quality". Virginia also provides revenues from the state lottery for education. Governor out Tim Kaine proposes $ 11.4 billion for K-12 education in the 2010-2012 budget. On February 17, 2010, McDonnell proposed a $ 268.8 million deduction. Cutting McDonnell includes changing the formula to measure the ability of locality to pay for education, reducing funding for technology spending, and reducing funding under the Quality Standard.
The House of Representatives adopted an education cut of $ 620 million, and the Senate adopted a budget with an education cut of $ 133 million. The last signed budget cut more than $ 646 million for public schools.
Because K-12 education comprises 37% of the general fund budget, critics note that McDonnell's proposal to fund transport bonds from public funds will lead to further education cuts in the coming years. McDonnell disagrees, saying he can rely heavily on revenue growth rather than withdrawing from the money.
Although McDonnell supported the Race to Top federal education funding program during a campaign for governors, on May 26, 2010, he pulled Virginia from the second round of "Race to the Top". Virginia has completed 31 out of 41 states in the first round; McDonnell decided that Virginia should not apply for a second round because he erroneously believed that the competition required the use of multi-state education performance standards in lieu of Virginia standards. However, the use of general performance standards is not required and is calculated for 40 points out of a possible 500 points total in evaluating state proposals. McDonnell later told MSNBC that the Race to the Top rules precludes participating countries from adopting more stringent standards in addition to the multi-country standards they follow. However, the "Race to Top" rule provides points even if the country adopts a more stringent standard than an optional general standard.
Offshore drilling
Earlier, the General Assembly passed a bill in 2006 to allow offshore exploration gas drilling beyond the 50-mile limit. On March 11, 2010, McDonnell signed a bipartisan law law to allow oil and gas drilling in federal waters 50 miles or more off the Virginia coast if also permitted by the Federal government. (See offshore drilling on the Atlantic coast of the USA ). The plan was criticized by some environmental activists and Democrats who argued that tourism and wildlife would be threatened and that oil drilling would not make a difference in achieving long-term energy independence. Congressman James P. Moran (D-Va), chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee with jurisdiction over the Ministry of Home Affairs, and others, argues further that most of the proposed drilling areas are located in areas destined for naval operations.
McDonnell recommends drilling off the Atlantic Atlantic Ocean coast as a possible source of income for the country. However, by law, Virginia can not receive any revenue from drilling in federal waters, which includes all drilling locations over 3 miles offshore. On May 6, 2010, the Department of the Interior suspended the offshore rights auction off Virginia. Congressman Moran issued a statement endorsing the decision. On May 18, Moran forwarded to McDonnell, a Defense Department report found that the proposed lease location would disrupt naval operations. On May 25, McDonnell reaffirmed its interest in oil drilling off the coast of Virginia irrespective of the British Peteroleum oil spill and Virginia's inability to earn any of the royalty revenue. On May 27, President Obama announced that offshore rental sales of Virginia were canceled. Furthermore, McDonnell proposes continuing federal environmental study on drilling off the coast of Virginia or drilling only for gas and not oil. However, a consulting firm says that liquids are almost always produced with offshore gas and the proposed idea may not be possible.
On December 18, 2009, Governor Kaine came out proposing $ 76.8 billion in expenses to be adopted by the state legislature. Kaine's budget is proposed to rationalize the country's income by raising income taxes while lowering property taxes and other costs. As an incoming governor, McDonnell refused to publicly recommend any modifications to Kaine's budget and instead worked with the House of Delegates to bring Kaine's plans to get votes and defeat quickly. Personally, McDonnell recommends cutting $ 300 million from health programs, $ 730 million from K-12 education, changing the state pension system, and requiring 10 days of leave for state employees, to offset the budget shortfall for 2010-2012. On February 17, 2010, after political pressure, McDonnell publicly announced the proposed cuts. The Senate adopted a budget that recovered a number of cuts for education, health and human services, and the House-Senate conference managed to draw up a compromise on March 14 that contained about $ 250 million in deductions before the end of the legislative session. However, a number of interest groups lobbied the governor to use his amendment veto to amend the adopted budget.
On April 14, 2010, McDonnell proposed 96 budget amendments for the 2010-2012 two-year budget that generated $ 42.1 million in increased spending and $ 51 million in additional budget cuts, tax increases, and court fees for criminals. He proposed to increase spending of $ 15 million to provide incentives for SRI International and Bank of America to maintain offices in Virginia. To increase revenue, McDonnell proposed a $ 7.2 million increase by increasing fines on motorists who exceeded the speed limit. He proposed to cut an additional $ 9.9 million from state-funded programs for risky and troubled children and propose a $ 600,000 cut from state grants to public radio and television stations. McDonnell also issued a veto amendment to a non-budget law. For example, although Virginia has provided tax filing for free tax refunds over the years, its veto empties electronic submissions to companies that charge for the service. McDonnell also amends legislation to ban Planned Parenthood from disbursement of funds collected from its affinity number plates on abortion. The legislature meets to vote on the Governor's amendment on 21 April. The majority of bipartisans accepted some of the proposed pieces of McDonnell while rejecting others including for public broadcasting, funding for risky and troubled children, and shifting mental health programs of Virginia Medicaid into managed care plans.
Results of Fiscal Year 2010
The first budget enacted under the McDonnell administration came into force on 1 July 2010. Two legislative initiatives of McDonnell increased the surplus for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. First, the budget bill speeds up state sales tax payments resulting in a one-time revenue shift that will be collected in July 2010 to the previous fiscal year. Second, the budget bill suspends payments of $ 620 million to the Virginia Retirement System for years to come. The year-end surplus triggered a 3% bonus payout to state employees in December 2010. Members of both parties asked McDonnell to use a surplus to reverse the Virginia System Pension suspension.
Liquor sales
In August 2010, McDonnell embarked on a promotional tour that advocated a law to sell Virginia liquor stores to private owners. McDonnell held eight town hall meetings across the state to discuss the plan. He argues that retail alcohol sales is not a proper state activity and proposes that every sale proceeds can be used to finance transportation needs. Opponents noted that liquor stores generate $ 248 million annually for Virginia general funds.
On September 8, 2010, McDonnell presented his plan to auction liquor licenses to his government reform commission. He proposed a threefold number of liquor stores selling up to 1,000, licensed to operate these new stores being auctioned. According to Richmond Times-Dispatch, "Of the 1,000 licenses, 600 will be available for major retailers, whose lawyers and lobbyists help draft the governor's proposal.Addition of 150 licenses will be provided for package stores, with 250 for small retailers, department store operator. "McDonnell estimates that the winning bidder will pay $ 265 million for the license, and that the state can receive $ 33 million from the sale of existing state liquor store properties. In addition, $ 160 million will be collected in wholesale licensing fees. To cover the annual loss of general fund revenues from current state-owned stores, McDonnell proposes excise taxes of $ 17.50 per gallon (which is above the national average and above that charged in neighboring countries) and to charge an annual fee of $ 500 to $ 2,000 for each store licensee, imposed a new 1% gross acceptance tax on liquor wholesalers, and 2.5% tax on restaurants and bars that chose to buy alcohol from wholesalers, not from outlets retail. Just before the presentation, McDonnell dropped the proposed 1.5% fee for all the restaurants and retail companies that were in the initial draft of his plan. McDonnell proposes to call a special session of the Virginia legislature in November 2010 to consider the proposal.
The plan drew direct opposition from conservative MPs as a "tax increase". It was also opposed by the Virginia Retail Federation, the Virginia Beer Wholesalers Association, and the Virginia Wine Wholesalers Association. The Baptist General Association of Virginia and the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy are opposing the plan for fear of increasing alcohol consumption. The plan is supported by the Brotherhood Police Order, Virginia Transportation Construction Industry, and the Virginia Retail Merchants Association and Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce.
On the eve of McDonnell's plans for a restructuring commission for their endorsement, The Washington Post reported that he modified it by dropping restaurant taxes and certain other proposed fees. He also proposed to set aside more than 100 licenses for companies that employ less than 50 people to help small family-owned stores, and want to give small businesses a few years to pay off their auction deals. The Post suggested that "he might cancel the plan for the November special session" from the General Assembly. On October 4, the Malek commission voted 22 to 3 to support McDonnell's modification plan. The Commission proposes a number of cost savings in government operations to offset a $ 47 million annual revenue loss from sales of the ABC liquor store.
In October 2010, McDonnell's modified plans drew criticism from House Republican members of Delegates, including Del Thomas D. Gear, who led a House subcommittee that considered the proposal, and Del. Timothy D. Hugo, chairman of the Republican caucus. Concern rose as Phil Cox, who heads McDonnell's political action committee, threatened to withhold campaign funds from Republican delegates who failed to support a modified plan. According to the Washington Post , "Delegates personally complained that the plan was developed with too little input from legislators and too many of the lobbyists for retail and alcohol interests." On October 22, 2010, McDonnell decided not to call a special session but instead appointed a "working group" to further refine the plan so that legislation could be implemented on the first day of the legislative session of 2011. The McDonnell working group of Republican lawmakers, wholesalers, refiners, and retailers are trying to develop a compromise designed to win adoption by the legislature.
On November 23, 2010, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee issued a report that found that McDonnell's proposal had exaggerated the expected results of liquor store sales and licenses. In response, a McDonnell spokeswoman said he was committed to privatization and was considering alternative plans. McDonnell hired consultants at a cost of $ 75,000 to formulate a new privatization plan before the legislative session in January 2011. The auditors found that McDonnell's proposal would boost the retail price of spirits refined 11 to 26 percent, which in turn would lead to a drop in liquor sales that could lead to a loss as much as $ 15.4 million in sales tax revenues.
In what the Washington Post described as "the greatest legislative defeat of his term", the two assemblies of Virginia's General Assembly refused to hold hearings on McDonnell's plans during the 2011 legislative session. Both the Republican-controlled and controlled Senate Democrats are killing a bill that implements McDonnell's proposal silently. McDonnell's policy director Eric Finkbeiner told Post , "Whether we do it this year, next year or next year, it will be completed in this administration."
Job creation
McDonnell changed the budget to increase the incentives that a governor might grant to an employer to move or stay in Virginia. He campaigned to ask Northrop Grumman to move his 300 headquarters to Virginia, but stated that the Virginia outsourcing computer contract renewal was not related to the relocation decision. When Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced the closure of the 6,000-job Combined Military Command in August 2010, McDonnell requested a private meeting to seek work conservation.
However, McDonnell was disappointed that Secretary Gates did not meet with him to discuss the issue. McDonnell was later included in a meeting between Gates and the congressional delegation of Virginia on November 23, 2010.
McDonnell played an important role in redistricting conducted in response to the 2010 census. In a special session of the General Assembly, the redistricting of both House of Delegates and the Senate of State was passed in a bill approved by the House of Representatives with 86 to 8 votes and the Senate with 22 to 18 votes. The bill was developed without regard to the recommendations of the advisory committee. On April 15, 2011, McDonnell vetoed the bill on the grounds that "the Senate Plan is the kind of political conspiracy that the Virginwan has been asked to leave in the past." Although McDonnell has the authority to change the bill with his veto, he simply sends it back for the General Assembly to waive the veto or adopt a different bill. Since the Democrats do not have the 2/3 majority required to override the veto, the State Senate must adopt a new plan. Initially, Senate Majority Leader Richard L. Saslaw promised to simply re-read the redistricting map vetoed, but then began negotiations with the governor's office about the new plan. MPs from the House of Representatives and Senate criticized the governor for canceling schedules for new district approvals before the 2011 elections. After a lengthy negotiation, on April 28, the two houses passed a revised map of the district map and McDonnell announced that he would sign the revised bill.
Spending executive mansion
In June 2013, McDonnell and his wife were the subject of an important Washington Post article detailing their undue spending in the Executive Mansion, for items such as energy drinks, dog food and detox cleanse. Following the report, a McDonnell spokeswoman explained that energy drinks are a standard part of their breakfast routine.
In July 2013, according to Washington Post , McDonnell replaced the state of approximately $ 2,400 for food and other items issued by the governor's children from the Executive Mansion to be brought to their campus dormitory.
Federal corruption charges
On January 21, 2014, McDonnell and his wife were indicted on federal corruption charges. The allegations followed months of federal investigation of a prize received by McDonnell from a political donor. They were charged with fourteen different amounts related to their receipts of over $ 135,000 in prizes, loans, travel and other items from Jonnie Williams Sr., former CEO of Star Scientific, a company that developed a compound called anatabine as a dietary supplement and as a medicine. In 2013, McDonnell paid over $ 120,000 to Williams and apologized for bringing "shame" to the country. McDonnell insisted he did not violate the law and vowed to fight this "false accusation". He became the first Governor of Virginia to be charged for acts committed during his tenure. In July and August 2014, Williams testified in the McDonnell federal corruption court.
After five weeks of trial and three days of jury consideration in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, McDonnell and his wife were found guilty of public corruption charges on September 4, 2014. He was found guilty of honest service wire scams, obtaining property under the color of official rights , and blackmail under the color of official rights. His wife was convicted of honest service wire scams, acquiring property under the color of official rights, extortion under the color of official rights, and obstruction of federal legal proceedings. US District Senior Judge James R. Spencer sets penalties for January 6, 2015. The US Experimental Office recommends a sentence of between ten years and one month to twelve years and seven months.
Following his conviction, McDonnell lost his teaching job at Liberty University. In November 2016, Liberty University welcomed him back as a great full-time professor, announcing plans for him to set up federalism and courtesy.
On January 6, 2015, Judge Spencer sentenced the former governor to two years in prison, followed by two years of supervised oversight. Before being sentenced, the judge agreed with the defender, believing the McDonnell prize was exaggerated, and reduced the chances of McDonnell's punishment. In arguing for leniency, McDonnell's lawyer from Jones Day produced more than 400 letters, including those from McDonnell's predecessor Tim Kaine and a group of 44 former attorneys, arguing that McDonnell leads exemplary community lives marred by one mistake.
Case of the Supreme Court
On January 26, 2015, the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals ordered that McDonnell remain free to await an appeal, but on July 10, 2015, the court confirmed McDonnell's conviction. On August 31, 2015, the US Supreme Court ordered that McDonnell remain free pending the court's decision to hear or not hear the case. On December 8, 2015, US Attorney General and others filed a complaint to the Supreme Court asking the court not to hear the case. In January 2016, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case.
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments about the case on 27 April 2016, and unanimously emptied McDonnell's conviction on June 27, stating that the court's construction of the "official act" of the law is too broad, encompassing activities such as arranging meetings, holding parties and called on Virginia officials to discuss Williams's business. Chief Judge John Roberts, writing for the court, allowed the option to repeat McDonnell under the stricter construction of the disputed term, writing, "If the court below determines that there is enough evidence for the jury to convict Governor McDonnell to do so or agree to 'official action', the case may be established for a new trial.If the court decides that the evidence is insufficient, the indictment should be dismissed We have not expressed a view on the question. "There was criticism of the decision, some noted that all judges themselves each received expensive gifts or traveled while on duty at the Supreme Court at the time the decision was passed.
After reviewing the Supreme Court ruling and a response from the original prosecution team, who wanted to try the case again, the Justice Department announced on September 8, 2016, that he would move to dismiss all charges against McDonnell and his wife.
See also
- Bob McDonnell's selection history
Further reading
- "Old member, Robert F. McDonnell". Virginia House of Delegates . Retrieved July 19 2013 .
External links
- Government website (Archived)
- Bob McDonnell for the Governor Official campaign website
- Interview with Governor-Options Bob McDonnell, Cal Thomas,
, 4 December 2009 - New Faces for GOP, Cal Thomas,
, 4 December 2009
Source of the article : Wikipedia