Senin, 18 Juni 2018

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The laws of weapons in Utah govern the sale, possession, and use of firearms and ammunition in the state of Utah in the United States.

Utah firearms laws are some of the more permissive in the United States. Utah's law firearms are intended to protect the second amendment rights of law-abiding citizens while at the same time ensuring the security of the general public. A 2013 study ranked Utah as the lowest among the 50 states in the category of weapons control legislation. Under Utah law, violent crime with firearms, possession of criminal weapons, and criminal negligence with firearms may all be prosecuted as serious crimes, and strictly punished under state law. Being part of the Western United States and Rocky Mountain States, Utah is home to a strong weapons culture.

Video Gun laws in Utah

Summary table

Maps Gun laws in Utah


Utah makes it possible to carry without cargo of unarmed firearms. "Dismantled" because it applies here, means no rounds in firing position (or space), and firearms at least two "mechanical actions" of the shot. Like carrying a firearm with empty space, but with a full magazine, fulfilling this definition (the handler must rotate, and then pull the trigger), this is a public job for Utah residents who do not want to get permission.. Without permission, firearms must be clearly visible.

Utah requires permission to carry a hidden weapon. By permission, a person may carry a firearm with a space containing either open or hidden. Utah will respect the permits issued by any state or region. Utah does not require that concessionaires carry the concealed to notify the police of their permission or possession of firearms when stopped by police officers, but the State Crime Crime Bureau recommends doing so "for the safety of all involved" and to give officers "some of their most likely guarantees dealing with law-abiding citizens. "

Utah Law allows the "Non-Resident" Hidden Fire License to be issued. The Utah Concealed Firearm Permit applies in thirty four states in the US. However, some states have passed laws that do not respect the "Non-Resident" license. For example, Colorado will respect Utah's permits, but permits must be resident of Utah for permission to be legitimate. The hidden Utah firearms license is "to be issued" and will be awarded to anyone who meets the requirements.

Utah is a "Castle Doctrine" state, where there is no obligation to withdraw before using lethal force, if the person reasonably believes that the offender will commit a forced crime in habitation, and that force is necessary to prevent the commission of the crime. Since robbery itself is a serious crime, it is legal to use lethal force to stop thieves.

In Utah one can carry firearms in places not permitted by some other countries, including banks, bars, state universities, and state parks. With permission, you can also bring school (K-12). The Law of Uniform Utah Firearms expressly prohibits public schools from enacting or enforcing any any rules relating to firearms. Utah requires public schools to permit the possession of legitimate firearms.

Gun laws in Utah Wikipedia -

Buying, selling and owning firearms

Private sales

Sales of legal private firearms in Utah for anyone aged above 18 UCA 76-10-S509.9.

Online websites classified are common meeting places for buyers and sellers. One of the highly used websites is the KSL-TV news station ad section. However, after shooting Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, KSL prohibits the sale or advertising of firearms for a while. KSL has not canceled their attitude.

People forbidden

There are two categories of people who may not have firearms or dangerous weapons under Utah law. The penalty for possession of weapons based on the category I restrict people is heavier than the punishment for ownership by restricted category II people.

Category I includes persons who have been "convicted of any violent crime" or "in probation or parole for any crime" or have "in the past 10 years a defendant convicted of an offense which, if committed by an adult, will be violent crime ".

Under Utah law, "Category I limits a person who knowingly or consentsfully agrees, agrees, offers, or arranges to purchase, transfer, own, use, or be under the control or control of, or who intentionally or knowingly purchases, transfers, owns , using, or owning under his custody or controlling firearms guilty of second-degree crimes. "

Category II includes persons who have been "convicted or indicted for any crime" or "in the past seven years have been found guilty of a violation that if committed by an adult shall become a criminal offense" or "violate the law" of the user of the substance controlled "or" have been found not guilty for reasons of insanity for a criminal offense "or" found mentally incompetent to be tried for a crime offense "or have been" terminated as mentally handicapped as those provided in the Brady Pistol Violence Prevention Act "or" alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States "or" have been dismissed in disgrace from the armed forces "or" abandoning their citizenship after becoming a US citizen ".

A Category II person who purchases, transfers, owns, uses, or is under his control or controls any weapon is guilty of a third-degree crime under Utah law.

NFA firearms

Under the laws of the state of Utah, "Any person who transfers in violation of applicable state or federal law, a sawed shotgun, a sawed shotgun, or automatic weapon to a minor is guilty of a third-degree crime."

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Bring hidden firearms

Utah is the state that issued permission to carry hidden firearms. The Utah law states "The Bureau shall issue permission to carry a concealed firearm for legitimate self-defense to applicants aged 21 years or older within 60 days of receiving the application, unless the bureau finds evidence that the applicant does not meet the specified qualifications". Permission is issued to residents of Utah and non-residents. Applicants between 18 and 20 may obtain temporary permission.

Persons convicted of any crime, violent crime, any offense involving alcohol, any offense involving the illegal use of narcotics or other controlled substances, any offense involving moral hatred, any offense involving domestic violence, or persons which is found by any court to be mentally incompetent is automatically prohibited from issuing permission. Any person who is prohibited by state or federal law for possession of a firearm may not be granted permission.

In addition, "The Bureau may refuse, suspend, or revoke a hidden firearms license if it has reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant or permit holder has or hazard to himself or others as indicated by the evidence". Examples of such evidence include "past behavior patterns involving unlawful violence or unlawful threats of violence" or "prior participation in incidents involving unlawful violence or unlawful threats of violence". In determining whether an applicant or permit holder has been or is harmful to yourself or others, the bureau may check the records of arrests and beliefs of deleted adults, and the juvenile court records.

However, Utah law also states that "The Bureau shall not refuse, suspend or revoke the concealed firearm only for a conviction of a breach of Title 76, Chapter 10, Section 5, Arms" violation.

The license holder may appeal the suspension, disapproval or revocation. The Law of Utah states that "In case of refusal, suspension or revocation of permission, the applicant or permit holder may apply for review by the board within 60 days from the date of rejection, suspension or revocation received by the applicant or the licensee".

Limitations of hidden carry

Even with permission to carry, carrying hidden firearms is not allowed in any church that informs the State of Utah and makes public notice. A church must, by state law, make an annual notice of this intention to ban firearms from their "house of worship". The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prohibits carrying firearms in his "synagogue"; they have a recent notice posted on the Utah Public Security Department website. The prohibition of firearms from "houses of worship" should not include all property owned by the church. However, firearms are prohibited in all Church-owned colleges (LDS Business College and Brigham Young University) and office buildings. Church campsites also prohibit weapons.

Punishment to bring hidden unauthorized

Bringing illegal concealed firearms is a Class B offense if a firearm is dropped, and is a Class A crime if a firearm is loaded. A person who carries a saw or shotgun shot guilty of a second level crime under Utah law. If unconnected concealed firearms are used in violent acts of crime, and that person is the offender, the person is guilty of a second crime.

Hidden hold rights reciprocity

Utah recognizes the permission to carry a firearm issued by any US state, or any political division thereof.

Hidden with private property

Any person eligible to own a firearm may carry the firearm, whether hidden or hidden, in his own home or property, or in any private property with the consent of the property owner. Utah law allows hidden firearms license holder (CFP), including teachers with CFP, to carry firearms at public school premises.

Laws Concerning Carrying Concealed Firearms on Utah's Campuses

Specific crime with firearms

Carrying a firearm with the intention of another unlawful attack is a Class A crime under Utah law.

Drawing or displaying firearms in an angry and threatening manner, or illegally using dangerous weapons in a fight or quarrel in the presence of two or more persons is a Class A minor offense. This law does not apply when firearms are used correctly to defend themselves.

By failing to dispose of a firearm in a way that disrupts the peace or can damage or harm public or private property is a class error B. Bugging a gun in a way that significantly harms a person, or releasing a firearm into a habitable structure is a third-degree crime. If a person's bodily injury is caused by such negligent negligence, the offense may be increased/increased to a second or first degree crime, depending on the severity of the body injury or the danger of negligent negligence.

Any person carrying a gun while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance is guilty of a class B error.

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The right to safeguard and deliver weapons in the state constitution

Article I, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Utah states that: "The rights of the individual people to safeguard and carry weapons for security and self-defense, family, other persons, property or country, as well as for other legitimate purposes shall not be violated , but nothing here will prevent the Legislature from defining the use of legitimate weapons.

20,000-name petition delivered protesting Utah campus gun laws


Source of the article : Wikipedia
