Mark Robert Warner (born December 15, 1954) is a US businessman and politician who served as senior US Senator from Virginia, the seat he first chose in 2008. He is a member of the Party Democratic Party and is currently Deputy Chairman of the Senate Democratic Caucus and Deputy Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Prior to his congress career, Warner was the 69th Governor of Virginia who held the post from 2002 to 2006, and was the honorary chair of PAC Joint Together. Warner delivered a keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. In addition to politics, Warner was also known for his involvement in venture capital related telecommunications during the 1980s; he founded the Columbia Capital company.
In 2006, he was widely expected to pursue Democratic nominations in the 2008 US presidential election; However, he announced in October 2006 that he would not run, arguing the desire not to interfere with his family life. Warner is considered a potential vice presidential candidate, until he takes himself out of consideration after winning a Democratic nomination for the US Senate.
Opposed by his predecessor governor, Jim Gilmore, Warner won his first election to the Senate in 2008 with 65% of the vote. Warner won re-election to seat in 2014, defeating Ed Gillespie, who previously served as Adviser to the President under George W. Bush and chairman of the Republican National Committee. Warner's victory threshold - only 17,000 votes - is much narrower than expected.
Video Mark Warner
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Warner was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, son of Marjorie (nÃÆ' Â © e Johnston) and Robert F. Warner. He has a younger sister, Lisa. He grew up in Illinois, and later in Vernon, Connecticut, where he graduated from Rockville High School, a public high school. He has credited his interest in politics to an eighth grade social science teacher, Jim Tyler, who "inspired him to work for social and political change during the tumultuous year of 1968." She was a three-year-old class president at Rockville High School and held a weekly basketball game at her home, "a tradition that continues today."
Warner graduated from George Washington University, (GW), earned a B.A. in 1977 with a GPA of 4.0 and a minor in political science. She speaks a farewell speech in her class at GW and the first in her family to graduate from college. At GW he works on Capitol Hill to pay his school fees, riding his bike early in the morning to the office of US Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-CT). When his parents visited him on campus, he got two tickets for them to tour the White House; when his father asked why he did not get a ticket for himself, he replied, "I will see the White House when I become president."
Warner then graduated from Harvard Law School with Juris Doctor in 1980 and trained the first female basketball team at the law school. Warner never practiced law. In the early 1980s, he served as US Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) staff. He then uses his knowledge of federal telecommunications law and policy as a mobile phone franchise licensing broker, making a significant fortune. As founder and managing director of Columbia Capital, a venture capital company, he helped find or was an early investor in a number of technology companies, including Nextel. He founded Capital Cellular Corporation, and built an estimated net worth of more than $ 200 million. In 2012, he is the richest US Senator.
Country activism
Warner involves himself in public endeavors related to health care, telecommunications, information technology, and education. He succeeded in the successful 1989 campaign of governor Douglas and served as chairman of the country's Democratic Party from 1993-95. He created four investment funds across Virginia and donated millions to charity, which was later touted in political campaigns.
1996 US Senate Selection
He failed to run for the US Senate in 1996 against President John Tinter in power (no relationship) in the election of "Warner versus Warner". Mark Warner performed strongly in the country's rural areas, making the contest closer than many experts had expected. He lost to the incumbent, 52% -47%, losing most of the country including the north.
Maps Mark Warner
Governor of Virginia
2001 selection
In 2001, Warner campaigned for the governor as a moderate Democrat after years of slowly building a base of strength in rural Virginia, notably Southwest Virginia. He defeated Republican presidential candidate Mark Earley, the state attorney general, in the "Mark versus Mark" election, with 52.16 percent, a 96.943 vote, as well as Libertarian candidate William B. Redpath. Warner has a significant funding advantage, spending $ 20 million compared to Earley's $ 10 million.
Warner also benefited from a dispute in the Republican ranks after a fierce battle for the nomination between Earley, backed by religious conservatives, and then-lieutenant Governor John H. Hager, some supporters who later publicly supported Warner. In the same election, Republican Jerry Kilgore was elected as the attorney general, and Democrat Tim Kaine was elected lieutenant governor. In his campaign for governors in 2001, Warner said he would not raise taxes.
After he was elected in 2002, Warner withdrew the $ 900 million "rainy day fund" left by his predecessor, James S. Gilmore, III. Warner campaigned for two regional sales tax increases (Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads) to fund transportation. The Virginians rejected both regional referendums to raise sales tax.
In 2004, Warner worked with legislators of the Democratic Republic and moderates and the business community to reform the tax code, lowered food and some income taxes while increasing cigarette sales and taxes. The tax package generates a net tax increase of about $ 1.5 billion annually. Warner credited additional revenue by saving the country's AAA bond ratings, held at that time by just five other countries, and allowing the largest investment in K-12 education in Virginia history. Warner also entered into an agreement with the moderate Democrats and Republicans in the Virginia Senate to limit the tax reimbursement of state cars to local governments.
During his tenure as governor, Warner influenced the university's athletic world. "Warner used his power as governor of Virginia in 2003 to pressure the Atlantic Coast Conference to cancel an expanded invitation to Syracuse University.He wanted a conference, which included the University of Virginia, to add Virginia Tech - and he got his way.
Warner's popularity may have helped Democrats gain seats at Virginia House of Delegates in 2003 and again in 2005, reducing the Republican-built majority in the 1990s. Warner chaired the National Governors Association in 2004-05 and led the high school reform movement. He heads the Southern Governors Association and is a member of the Democratic Governor's Association. In January 2005, a two-year study, the Government Performance Project, together with the Government and Pew Charitable Trust magazine, rated each country in four categories of management: money, people, infrastructure and information. Virginia and Utah received the highest ratings on average with both countries receiving an A-rank overall, prompting Warner to label Virginia "the best managed country in the country."
Kaine and Kilgore both attempted to succeed Warner as governor of Virginia. (The Virginia Constitution prohibited any governor from serving consecutive terms, so Warner could not run for a second term in 2005.) On November 8, 2005, Kaine, former mayor of Richmond, won with 52% of the vote. Kilgore, who resigned as Attorney General in February 2005 for a full-time campaign and who previously served as Virginia's public security secretary, received 46% of the vote. Russ Potts, a Republican state senator, also ran for governor as independent, receiving 2% of the vote. Warner has supported and campaigned for Kaine, and many national experts regard Kaine's victory as further proof of Warner's political influence in Virginia.
On 29 November 2005, Warner changed the death penalty of Robin Lovitt to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Lovitt was convicted of killing Clayton Dicks at Arlington Pool Hall in 1999. After his 2001 trial, Lovitt's lawyer claimed that the court officer illegally destroyed the evidence used against Lovitt during the trial, but that it might be able to relieve him of further DNA. testing. Lovitt's death sentence will be the 1000th performed in the United States since the Supreme Court returned the death penalty as permitted under the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution in 1976. In a statement, Warner said, "Commonwealth agents' actions, in a manner contrary to the legal direction obviously, comes at the expense of a defendant who faces the most severe and last sanction of society. "Warner rejected clemency in 11 other death sentences that came before him as governor.
Warner also arranged DNA test evidence remaining from the case of Roger Keith Coleman, who was executed by the state in 1992. Coleman was convicted in 1981 and raped the death of his 19-year-old sister-in-law. , Wanda McCoy. Coleman drew national attention, even made the Left cover, by repeatedly claiming not guilty and protesting the injustice of the death penalty. The DNA results announced on 12 January 2006 confirms Coleman's fault.
In July 2005, the approval ratings were 74% and in some polls reached 80%. Warner left the office with a 71% approval rating in a poll.
AS. Senate
elections 2008
Warner is believed to be preparing to run for the Democratic nomination for president in 2008, and has "done everything but announce his candidacy" before suddenly declaring in October 2006 he will not run for president, on family grounds. Warner declared on 13 September 2007 that he would run for the US Senate vacated by John Warner who retired (no relation) in 2008.
Warner soon gained support from most of the national Democrats. He held a wide lead over his Republican opponent, fellow former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore, for almost the entire campaign. Warner delivered a keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
In the Washington Post/ABC News Poll on September 24, 2008, Warner leads 30 points above Gilmore.
In the November election, Warner beat Gilmore, taking 65 percent of Gilmore's vote to 34 percent. Warner brings all but four counties in the state - Rockingham, Augusta, Powhatan and Hanover. In many cases, he gains great advantage in the territories of countries that traditionally vote for the Republican Party. This is the most oblique margin for the contested Senate contest in Virginia since Chuck Robb took 72 percent of the vote in 1988. As a result of Warner's victory, Virginia has two US Senators from the Democratic Party for the first time since Harry Byrd, Jr. leaving the Democrats to become independent (while still in school with the Democratic Party) in 1970.
After arriving in the US Senate in 2009, Warner was appointed to the Senate Banking, Budget and Commerce committee. Warner was later named to the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2011.
In 2009, Warner opted for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, a stimulus bill. As a member of the Budget Committee, he proposed amendments designed to help the government track how the dollar stimulus is spent.
When he was offered the chairman of the Democratic Senator's Campaign Committee in preparation for the 2012 election cycle, Warner refused because he wanted to keep his distance from the partisanship of the role.
In the fall of 2012, Warner was approached by supporters about the possibility of leaving the Senate to seek a second four-year term as governor of Virginia. After considering the prospect, Warner announced shortly after the November 2012 election that he had chosen to remain in the Senate as he was "all in" to find a bipartisan solution to the country's fiscal challenge.
Warner became senior senator on 3 January 2013 when Jim Webb left the Senate and was replaced by Tim Kaine, who was the lieutenant governor while Warner was governor.
In 2014, Ed Gillespie criticized him for using taxpayer money to fly in luxury aircraft.
Warner was ranked 10th as the most bipartisan member of the US Senate during the 114th US Congress (and the third most bipartisan member of the US Senate from South America after West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito) in the Bipartisan Index was made. by The Lugar Center and McCourt Public Policy School which rank the members of the US Congress with their bipartisan level (by measuring the frequency of bills each member withdraws the co-sponsors of the opposing party and each co-sponsor member of the bill by a member of the opposing party ). Likewise, Warner has been identified as a radical centric, which works to encourage compromise in the Senate.
In a video in his Senate office, Warner promised the Virginians, "I will not choose a health care plan that does not let you keep your health insurance you like."
He chose the Affordable Care Act 2010 (commonly called Obamacare), helping the Senate reach the required sixty votes to prevent him from going to the filibuster. (Since there were 60 Democratic Senators at the time, each Democrat could be said to have voted decisively.) He and 11 Senate students discussed the addition of an amendment package aimed at addressing health care costs by expanding IT health and health prevention.
From the beginning of the Senate term, Warner attempted to replicate in Washington, D.C. the bipartisan partnership he used effectively during his tenure as governor of Virginia. In 2010, Warner worked with a Republican partner in the Banking Committee, Senator Bob Corkerer (R-TN), to write a key part of the Dodd-Frank Act that seeks to end the tax exemption from the failure of Wall Street finance companies by requiring " funeral plan "for large financial companies.
In 2013, the Presidential Study Center and Congress gave Sens. Warner and Corker, the Publius Award for their bipartisan work on the financial reform law.
In 2018, Warner became one of the few Democrats in the Senate who supported the bill that would relax the "main banking rule". As part of at least 11 other Democrats, Tester argued that the bill would be "a precise measure of post-crisis rules imposed on small and regional lenders and help make it easier for them to give credit". Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren vehemently oppose the law.
In 2011, Warner chose a four-year extension of the US PATRIOT Act. In 2011, he involved the high-tech community of Northern Virginia in a pro-bono effort to correct the funeral and other US Army management deficiencies at Arlington National Cemetery. In 2012, he succeeded in pushing the Navy to repair sub-standard military housing in Hampton Roads.
Also in 2012, he encouraged the Office of Personnel Management to address a chronic backlog, sometimes throughout the year in processing retirement benefits for federal workers, many of whom live in the northern suburbs of Virginia Washington. Warner succeeded in pushing the Department of Veterans Affairs to expand access to PTSD care for female military veterans returning from service in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Warner was awarded the Distinguished Public Service Medal by US Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, the Navy's highest honor for a civilian, for his consistent support of Virginia's military and veteran families.
Between 2010 and 2013, Warner invested considerable time and effort in leading the Senate Six Gang, along with Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA). The unlikely duo organized efforts to draft a bipartisan plan along the lines of the Simpson-Bowles Commission to tackle the US deficit and debt.
Although Gang Six ultimately failed to produce a "big deal" of the legislature, they agreed on an outline of a plan that included spending cuts, tax reforms that generated more revenue, and reforms for rights programs such as Medicare and Social Security - partial opposed rights reforms big Democrats. Although President Obama showed interest in the plan, leaders in Congress from both sides made a deal to make. In 2011, the bipartisan Concord Coalition gave Warner and Chambliss the "Economic Patriot Award" for their work with Gang Six.
The law of weapons
On April 17, 2013, Warner decided to expand the background checks for arms purchases as part of the Manchin-Toomey Amendment.
On the Budget Senate Committee, Warner was appointed bipartisan task force leader on government performance in 2009. Warner is the main sponsor of the 2010 Government Performance and Result Act (GPRA), which imposes specific program performance objectives across all federal agencies and organizes an agency performance review process more transparent.
On May 21, 2013, Warner introduced the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act 2014 (S. 994; 113th Congress). "The law requires standard federal spending reporting to be posted to a single website, allowing citizens to track expenditures in their communities and agencies to more easily identify improper payments, waste and fraud." On 6 November 2013, the Committee on Homeland Security Affairs and Government Affairs unanimously passed DATA.
On January 27, 2014, a version of the version marked by the White House OMB has been leaked. This version of the White House "goes away from standards and leads to open data structures for publishing information" and "requires [es] OMB in consultation with the Treasury to" review and, if necessary, revise standards to ensure accuracy and consistency through methods such as liaison between data in the agency's financial system... '"Senator Warner responded with the following statement:" The Obama administration speaks volumes about transparency, but this comment reflects a clear effort to root out the DATA Act. DATA reflects bipartisan years, bicameral work, and proposes substantial changes that are unproductive at the end of the game is unacceptable. We hope to pass the DATA Act, which has approached universal support in the House section and unanimously passed from its Senate committee. I will not go back down from the bill that keeps the government accountable and provides proper transparency to taxpayers. "
On April 10, 2014, the Senate voted on a consensus to pass the bill, which was later passed by the House of Representatives in a vote on April 28, 2014.
Minimum wage
In April 2014, the United States Senate debated the Minimum Wage Liability Act (S. 1737; 113th Congress). The bill would alter the Fair Employment Standard in 1938 (FLSA) to raise the federal minimum wage for employees to $ 10.10 per hour over a two-year period. The bill was strongly supported by President Barack Obama and many Democratic Senators, but was strongly opposed by Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives. Warner declared a willingness to negotiate with the Republic on some provisions of the bill, such as the timeline for phase-in. Warner says that any improvement needs to be done "in a responsible way."
Other issues
Warner is the initial Democratic sponsor of the Act Startup Act and has partnered with the original author of the Sen bill. Jerry Moran (R-KS) to introduce three iterations of the Bill: the Startup Act in 2011, the Startup Act 2.0 in 2012 and the Startup Act 3.0 in early 2013. Warner describes the law as 'the next logical step' after the introduction of the Speech Act bipartisan. "
In 2015, Warner criticized the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, saying: "I am concerned especially with some indiscriminate bombing in Yemen... [Gulf countries] need to step up and they need to move with more focus than kind of indiscriminate bombing. "
In June 2017, Warner voted to support a $ 350 billion Trump arms deal with Saudi Arabia.
In May 2018, Warner chose Gina Haspel to become the next CIA director.
In 2016, US foreign policy scholar Stefan Halper serves as an FBI member and contacts President Donald Trump's campaign members in 2016. In May 2018, Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, warned Republican lawmakers that it would be "potentially illegal "to reveal Stefan Halper's identity.
In October 2014, Warner was involved in a federal investigation of Virginia State Sen. Phillip Puckett's 2014 resignation, a Democrat. He is alleged to have "discussed the possibility of some work, including a federal judge, for the senator's daughter in an attempt to prevent him from leaving the equally divided state Senate." A Warner spokesman admitted that the conversation was happening, but said that Warner did not make an "explicit" job offer and that he and Puckett were just "brainstorming".
In January 2015, Republicans from Virginia filed an official complaint against Warner with the United States Senate Electoral Committee, alleging that Warner's interactions with Puckett violated the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act.
Campaign contribution
From 2008-14, some of the top ten contributors to the campaign were JP Morgan Chase, Blackstone Group and Columbia Capital. BlackRock never contributed until Warner bought a stake in BlackRock Equity Dividend Fund in 2011.
Committees assignment
- Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee
- Subcommittee on Housing, Transport, and Community Development
- International Security and Trade and Finance Subcommittee
- Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment (Member Rating)
- Committee on Budget
- Financial Committee
- Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth (Ranking Member)
- Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs and Global Competitiveness
- Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Supervision
- Committee on Rules and Administration
- Select the Intelligence Committee (Member Rating)
- Joint Economic Committee
Selection history
Personal life
Warner was married to Lisa Collis, whom he met in 1984 at a fun party in Washington, D.C. While on their honeymoon in 1989 in Egypt and Greece, Warner became ill; when he returned home, doctors discovered he had suffered an almost fatal appendix. Warner spent two months in hospital to recover his illness. During her husband's tenure as governor, Collis was the first woman Virginia to use her maiden name. Warner and Collis have three daughters: Madison, Gillian, and Eliza.
Warner is involved in farming and wine making at his Rappahannock Bend farm. There, he planted 15 hectares (61,000 m 2 ) grapes for the Ingleside Vineyards; Personal labeled Englishide bottle offered by Warner at a charity auction.
Warner has an estimated net worth of $ 257 million in 2014.
Mark Warner has been awarded several Honorary Degrees, It Includes
- Honors
See also
- List of celebrities with wineries and vineyards
External links
- Senator Mark Warner the official US Senate site
Office of the Governor of Virginia (Archived)
- Forward With PAC
- Mark Warner on Curlie (based on DMOZ)
- Appearance in C-SPAN
- C-SPAN Questions & Answers; A interview with Warner, November 6, 2005
- Archive Archive
- Archived Web Sites Virginia Governor Mark R. Warner, 2005-2006 part of Virginia Political Landscape 2005 Web Archive Collection in Virginia Memory
- Guide to Governor Mark R. Warner, Executive Office, Notes, 2001-2006 at The Library of Virginia
- A Guide to Governor's Policy Note Mark R. Warner, 2002-2006 at The Library of Virginia
- Guide to Governor Mark R. Warner, Press Office record, 2001-2006 (bulk 2002-2006) at The Library of Virginia
- Guide to Governor Mark R. Warner, Transition Office, Notes, 2001 at The Library of Virginia
- Guide to Governor Mark R. Warner, Virginia Liaison Office, Notes, 2002-2005 at Library of Virginia
Source of the article : Wikipedia