The male rights movement in India consists of various human rights organizations in India. Motivational advocates support the introduction of gender-neutral legislation and repeal of laws they deem biased toward men.
This movement noted some issues as too gendered or with bias towards men in India. Male rights activists claim that the anti-dowry law in India is often abused to harass and blackmail husbands, and attributing this to a high rate of suicide among married men in India, which is almost twice that of women. They claim that the law of leave and custody of children are biased against men. According to them, the frequency of domestic violence against men has increased in recent years, and many cases are not reported because men feel too ashamed to report abuse, or are afraid of false accusations against them in retaliation. Some male rights activists also consider the rape of reporting the laws and laws of sexual harassment in India unfair to men.
Video Men's rights movement in India
The Indian human rights movement began in 1988 in Delhi by Supreme Court advocate Ram Prakash Chugh to deal with the psychological abuse perpetrated by wives and false claims of marriage dowry by wives. This movement began as an organization called "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Husbands." Chugh himself faced problems in his marriage. In 1996, Purush Hakka Sanrakshan Samiti (Society for the Preservation of Men's Rights) was formed by Patil to assist fake prisoners in dowry cases and to help avoid divorce by counseling couples. Sangyabalya, a helpline for husbands and families harassed by anti-dowry law, began in June 2003 by Arun Murthy in Bangalore. He started the relief channel after his sister-in-law filed a dowry-harassing case against his younger brother and the rest of his family. "Save Indian Family" was founded on March 9, 2005 by the unification of a number of family rights organizations throughout India. On November 19, 2007, the "Save Indian Family Foundation" (SIFF) celebrated International Men's Day for the first time in India.
In September 2008, the Save Family Foundation sent a complaint against the Kitply plywood ad to the Indian Advertising Standards Board. The ad shows a wife slapping her husband on her wedding day because the bed is creaking. The complaint alleges that advertising promotes violence against men by describing it as humorous. In the same month, the Chennai-based Indiya Kudumba Pathukappu Iyaakam organization complained against Pond's ads depicting men as wife battering and ICICI Prudential Insurance ads alleged to depict verbal and economic abuse of men.
"Child Rights and Family Welfare" was established in 2009 to demand a fairer law for men, including child custody law and better access. In April 2010, when Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik was accused of cheating by a woman from Hyderabad, Ayesha Siddiqui, just before her marriage to tennis player Sania Mirza, the SIFF issued a statement to support Malik and demanded that her passport be returned. He added his worries over abuse such as Section 498A of the Indian Criminal Code.
In 2009, the head of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Renuka Chowdhury, agreed to meet male rights activists to hear their allegations about biased rules. On June 25, 2009, activists were invited to discuss possible changes to this law. However, the ministry changed the agenda of the meeting on June 24, and ministry officials announced that they "do not want to accept deficiencies in current legislation." This angered the activists and resulted in a large number of complaints to the Indian government. A week later, government officials indicated that they would indeed review the current law.
In late 2012, male rights activists criticized the television show of actor Aamir Khan, Satyamev Jayate. In December 2012, some 15,000 people promised to boycott the movie Khan Talaash . According to Anil Kumar, one of the founders of SIFF, Khan has described the men negatively on the show and only projects one side of the domestic violence issue.
In September 2012, the Ministry of Women and Child Development Krishna Tirath filed a bill requiring husbands to pay salaries to their wives. This move was criticized by human rights groups and they sought the intervention of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in this matter.
Phanisai Bhardwaj, the Lok Satta Party candidate in the electoral assembly in Karnataka, is known as a member of the Center for Human Rights, opposed Section 498a IPC and reservations in employment or education, after he posted on Facebook in April 2013. He faces a protest campaign against him in the blog world , called Lok Satta Party "anti-woman" and "anti SC/ST". Jayprakash Narayan, founder of Lok Satta Party, called Bhardwaj's position on women "unacceptable". Later, Bhardwaj was asked to withdraw his candidacy.
On August 25, 2013, Hridaya, a Kolkata-based NGO raised concerns about the proposed Marriage Bill (Amendment bill), 2010 which was approved by the cabinet and cleared by the Ministerial Group (GoM) led by defense minister A. K. Antony. According to Amartya Talukdar, the bill, which introduces the concept of improper divorce and unfair marital property for men. That would put the institution of marriage in jeopardy.
On December 21, 2013, a member of the National Coalition for Men held a demonstration outside the West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) office in Kolkata, stating that former Supreme Court Justice Judge Asok Kumar Ganguly, and then chairman of the WBHRC, was innocent until proven guilty.. Ganguly has been accused of sexual abuse by a legal intern. Amit Gupta, Secretary-General of the National Coalition for Men, said that even if the Indian legal system and the UN Charter on Human Rights claim that the defendant should be treated innocent until proven guilty, Ganguly is held as guilty and subjected to a media trial.
On February 16, 2014, Hridaya members organized another protest against the Marriage Law Amendment Act (India) that would not introduce a false divorce in the Hindu Marriage Law by wearing a sari. Amartya Talukdar voiced concern and said that if the government really intends to empower women, then the law must be made applicable to all societies carrying a uniform civil code rather than only applicable to Hindus.
In March 2014, male rights activists also criticized the second season of Aamir Khan TV show, Satyamev Jayate. The SIFF said that Aamir Khan cited domestic violence data from the National Family Health Survey, which only surveyed women aged 15 to 49. They said the show gave the perception that men do not suffer domestic violence.
In May 2014, the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) launched a mobile app called SIF One to reach men in distress. In the same month, all the Indian phone lines were launched. Indian Indian elections, 2014
During the pre-election campaign period for the Indian elections, 2014, on January 11, 2014, the National Coalition for Men in Kolkata presents their request for the establishment of male ministries and the men's rights panel for all political parties in India. They also released their own manifesto called "Men-ifesto" which deals with men's issues and the government's provisions to address these issues. Other demands posed are gender-neutral laws, rehabilitation of persons released, rapid trials of defendants languishing in custody, and equal rights in child custody. The National Coalition for Men meets with political parties across India to urge them to include men's rights in their manifesto. Amit Gupta says that they can start their own political party if their demands are ignored.
On March 28, 2014, Amit Gupta urged voters across the country to implement "Nothing above" (NOTA) in the 2014 general election. According to him, no political parties are paying their demands for gender-neutral laws and the Ministry of Welfare Man.
In early April 2014, the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) sent four questions related to men's issues to various political leaders. Anil Kumar of the SIFF said they would decide which party to vote in the 2014 election based on the response. He added that a survey of SIFF members showed a lack of support for the party of Congress and the Communist Party of India. The four questions raised are whether the party will introduce a bill to protect men against domestic violence, whether biological fathers should be given partial custody in a joint parenting arrangement in divorce, whether consensual sex with false promises of marriage should be considered rape and if a man should be considered a rapist by breaking up with his girlfriend, and whether the party will introduce a male study course at a university similar to any other gender study program.
On April 16, 2014, the men's rights group asked supporters to vote for the Samajwadi Party or to use "Nothing above" (NOTA). Amit Lakhani, an activist from the New Delhi-based Save Family Foundation, expressed support for the Samajwadi Party by saying that only political parties have included male issues in their manifestos.
In August 2015, Amit Deshpande, one of the pioneers in the Indian Men's Rights Movement, delivered a speech at TEDx's show on the Need for Male Rights and how men fall victim to a general social discourse about male hatred, mocking men, or 'Misandry'. It tries to highlight the discrimination facing Indian men, how patriarchy has oppressed them and questioned stereotypes related to sexual harassment, domestic violence and other such issues in which women are automatically considered to be victims and men. The conversation urges everyone to shift the discussion to the point from which it is possible to see both sides objectively and not perceptively.
In December 2015, the Mumbai-based Vaastav Foundation released a calendar called "Malendar" that marks male-oriented days such as Father's Day and International Men's Day. Amit Deshpande, founder of the Vaastav Foundation says that they are trying to raise awareness of these days through the positive image of men.
During the Mumbai Marathon 2016, about 150 men from the Vaastav Foundation participated while dressed as ATMs. Amit Deshpande, founder of the Vaastav Foundation said, "A man is forced to become an ATM for his family and if he fails to protect his wife or provide for him, he is immediately accused of molesting him." One of the most prominent plaques seen during the event reads "Until men learn to express their pain, every story will always portray women as victims." Participation with men dressed as ATMs, the first of its kind, received coverage by media around the world.
By 2017, the participation of the Vaastav Foundation in Mumbai Marathon is greater with participation in larger numbers and with a larger prop of snakes that they call 'the misandry snakes that devour innocent humanity'. Snakes of greater size than life have abused gender discriminatory criminal law texts (ie anti-dowry laws, torture, rape, article 377 of the IPC and maintenance & amp) laws on the one hand and most socially related text & amp; criminal problems faced by boys & amp; men (ie child labor, boys' education, male suicide, domestic violence in men, male rape and patriarchal burden as a protector and a standard protector) on the other.
While displaying banners with the text "Patriarchy Enslaves Men" and shouting slogans that mean "Would you marry? Will you go to jail?", Activists equate marriage with a trap. Their participation is broadly covered by regional & amp; print & amp; electronic media.
Maps Men's rights movement in India
Anti-dowry law
Male rights activists claim that anti-dowry law is often abused to harass and blackmail husbands. The high rate of suicide among married men in India is also attributed to harassment under this law by activists. The practice of dowry was first criminalized in 1961 under the Carpentry Prohibition Act, 1961 and then Section 498A of the Indian Criminal Code was introduced in 1983. Section 498A of the Indian Criminal Code which deals with atrocities against a wife states that:
Anyone who becomes a husband or a woman's husband, makes her a cruel woman who will be punished by imprisonment for a length of up to three years and will also be responsible for doing just fine.
For the purposes of this section, "cruelty" means: (a) any deliberate behavior that is such that it is inclined to encourage women to commit suicide or cause serious injury or harm to the life, limbs or health (whether mentally or physically) of women; or
Section 113b of the Indian Proof Act, 1879 says that if a married woman commits suicide within seven years of marriage, it should be assumed by the court that her husband and his family conspire to commit suicide, especially if there is evidence of previous dowry demands..
As of July 2014, Article 498a of the Indian Penal Code allows police to arrest persons named in complaints without warrants or without investigation. The crime can not be disturbed, so the possibility of getting a low guarantee and husbands usually lose their jobs while in custody. On July 2, 2014, India's Supreme Court in an order to stop the automatic arrest under Section 498a. The court directed the police to use Section 41 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, which contains a checklist, to decide whether an arrest is necessary. The court also stated that in all arrests a judge should check whether further detention is required. There is also no provision to withdraw the complaint in case of reconciliation. However, amendments to this fix have been proposed.
Of all the catches under the Indian Criminal Code, 6% were made under Section 498a. Of all the crimes reported under the Indian Criminal Code, 4.5% were filed under Section 498a, which was theft and injured the highest limit. Police found 9% wrong or under the wrong law. Of the cases prosecuted, only 15% produced confidence. In July 2014, 3,72,706 cases under Section 498a were pending in Indian courts.
According to the SIFF, this law does not follow conventional law where a person is innocent until proven guilty. It also shows that some of those arrested under this law are women themselves, ie, female relatives of husbands. Former Delhi High Court judge Shiv Narayan Dhingra acknowledged that the law is used by women to harass their husbands and their parents-in-law. He argues that parents do not have to go through marriage, if dowries are prosecuted from them. Swarup Sarkar, a spokesman for SIFF, said that low-income men are rarely targeted and most victims of abuse are well off. He has claimed that these laws assume that women are always honest, and not overly concerned with evidence. He has called the abuse of these laws, legal terrorism.
Nearly a quarter of those arrested under Section 498a are women, mostly mothers and sisters of alleged husbands. In 2012, 47,951 women were arrested under this law. According to Ram Prakash Chugh, the overwhelming majority of women in Tihar prisons are there for the cost of a dowry. She has claimed that sometimes bride mothers carry dowry fees in their in-laws when the bride fails to adjust to her in-laws. Organizations such as the All-India Maternity Protection Forum (AIMPF) and Mothers and Sisters Against Misuse of Law (MASHAAL) have been established to represent these women. According to Sunil Gupta, spokesman for Tihar Jail, there are 280 in-laws in jail who are accused of harassing dowries and most of them women. The women were detained in a separate section of the prison, dubbed Saas-Nanand (mother-in-law and brother-in-law) barracks.
Some non-resident groups of India (NRI) also demanded an amendment to the anti-dowry law. Anindya Chatterjee, an IT worker based in California who runs an online support group, is accused under the law. He said that sometimes when visiting India, men are accused under the law and arrested by the police without verifying whether the case is genuine and their passports confiscated. The cases often take a year to clear up, as a result people lose their jobs abroad because they often travel to court or can not leave India. Canada and the United States have issued commemorative travel alerts about misuse of Indian anti-dowry law in the past.
Jyotsna Chatterjee, a member of the Joint Women's Program involved in drafting the 2005 Domestic Violence Law, has responded to this criticism of the anti-dowry law, stating that compared to people who have faced anti-dowry law abuses, many more women who suffer from the dowry demands. He has said that there is no change in the way people view women and they are still treated as second class citizens. Indira Jaising also rejected the view that anti-dowry laws and domestic violence laws were abused. He also claimed that high dowry cases under the dowry occurred because the prosecution was done incorrectly and people were encouraged to stay out of court. Indrani Sinha from Sanlaap says that anti-dowry dowries can not be easily misused. He says that if the husband and his family are not guilty then they should go to the police before his wife and file a complaint.
Important decisions and legal panel reports
In November 2003, the Reform Committee in the Criminal Justice System (CRCJS), led by V. S. Malimath, recommended that Section 498a be made bailable and may be incorporated.
In July 2005, the Supreme Court acknowledged that in many instances, complaints under Article 498a of the Indian Criminal Code are unreliable and have oblique motives. The court added that the release in such cases did not remove the suffering the defendant had to pass, which was exacerbated by adverse media coverage. The court also directed the legislature to find a way to examine the fake case.
In August 2010, the Supreme Court directed the government to amend Article 498a of the Indian Criminal Code in view of the rising number of false or excessive complaints against their husbands and families by women. It was further added that the complaint resulted in the remaining husband and relative in detention to court or guarantee, which killed all the chances of a peaceful settlement.
In January 2012, the Indian Law Commission recommended that Section 498a should be a joint offense. However, the court will decide whether a particular case can be combined or not.
On July 2, 2014, the Supreme Court said that this law was used by some women to harass their husbands and their in-laws. The court prohibits police from making arrests on the basis of complaints only. The court requested the police to follow Section 41 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, which provides a 9-point checklist that should be used to decide the need for arrest. The court also said that the judge must decide whether a suspect arrested is required for further detention. The decision in response to the Special Exit Petition (SPL) filed by one of Arnesh Kumar challenged his arrest and his family under the law. The decision was welcomed by male rights activists but criticized by women's rights activists. However, due to lack of communication to the police station, the Supreme Indian Supreme Court guidelines have still not been followed.
Ranjana Kumari of the Center for Social Research has criticized the Supreme Court ruling saying that anti-dowry laws are being abused and stop arrest under the FIR. He said that if the law is abused then law enforcement must be responsible.
Proposed amendment
In 2014, the National Commission for Women proposed several changes to the law that included expanding the definition of the term dowry and increasing the punishment for false cases. However, the suggestion was rejected by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. The Women's Minister, Maneka Gandhi, told Lok Sabha in December, "The NCW has recommended certain amendments to the Carpentry Prohibition Act, but the ministry has taken the considered view on the issue and decided to cancel the amendment proposed by NCW on this form after considering the comments of the high-level committee on the status of women and ministry of internal affairs ". Ranjana Kumari of the Center for Social Research welcomes this decision not to dilute the law.
In March 2015, it was reported that the Government of India is planning to amend Section 498A. It will be compounded, which will allow the parties to resolve if the court recommends it. Penalties for filing fake cases will be increased from INR1,000 to INR15,000.
Amit Gupta, of the National Coalition for Men, has opposed making the law a plural. He said that it would make extortion easier. He has shown that after Andhra Pradesh compounded him, the number of cases increased by 150% and confidence fell by 400%.
Maneka Gandhi, Minister of Women & amp; Child Development, also against any changes to the existing dowry law. Ranjana Kumari of the Center for Social Research has also expressed disagreement over demands to amend the anti-dowry law, suggesting that dowries deaths still occur in India.
Trust and custody law
Male rights activists in India claim that divorce and custody laws are biased against men. They say that this permits divorced wives to stop men from seeing their children for long periods of time. They say that benefits should not be given if the wife is the primary breadwinner of the family and the law should look at the man who is able to raise the children.
In India, childcare is given to the father only if his mother is mentally unstable or leaves the home leaving the child. Currently, the issue of detention in the case of divorce is governed by two laws: the Guardian Act and the Wards, 1890 and the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956. However, both laws have no provision for joint care or joint custody.
Under the Act of Proof, 1872, if a child is born in marriage or within 280 days of marriage dissolution, then the child is considered legitimate and entitled to the support and inheritance of the child. Currently, DNA DNA testing does not take precedence over this law. Courts may still choose to ignore genetic evidence and ask non-biological parents to pay child support.
An organization called Children's Rights Initiative for Parents Publicly (CRISP) has demanded a better child access legislation and has been called the current biased-custodian law. He has demanded an amendment to the Guardian and Wards Act amended to make mutual compulsory care.
Swarup Sarkar of the Save Family Foundation speculates that now two out of three Indian couples are actively sharing parenting. Kumar Jahagirdar, president of CRISP, has recorded growth in men who are primary caregivers in the family.
Important decision
In April 2003, India's Supreme Court granted a woman divorce on the basis of mental cruelty. She claims that her husband is harassing and accusing her. Although four or five out of ten divorce cases in India accuse mental suffering, Ram Prakash Chugh said that if a man filed a similar suit to court, he would not get a favorable verdict.
In September 2008, the Delhi High Court in the ruling said that a woman with enough incomes is not entitled to the maintenance of her divorced husband. The verdict came after a man challenged a family court decision to give INR7,500 a monthly allowance to his wife. The man has shown that his wife earned INR80,000 for the month and has no other responsibilities.
In September 2010, the Delhi High Court issued a ruling that a man can not be forced to pay benefits if he is unemployed. The man challenges the lower court order that he must pay INR5,000 as an allowance. The man shows that he is an expatriate who works as a sales manager in Angola and comes to India to get married. She married in May 2007 but the marriage lasted only three weeks. Because of his wife's complaints, the police confiscated his passport and he was unable to return to work, resulting in his dismissal. The court stated that the wife is equally qualified for her husband, and works in a multi-national company, so she can not claim a benefit.
In September 2010, the Delhi High Court said that a man's assets should be examined when deciding the amount of benefits. The court ruled a case in which a man was initially asked to pay INR15,000 as a monthly allowance by a lesser one. After the appeal of his wife, he was required to pay INR45,000 by another court considering his net assets. The man challenged this decision by showing his monthly salary was INR41,000. The court reduced the allowance amount to INR20,000 per and stated that the parents and the brother also have shares in the assets.
In October 2010, India's Supreme Court passed an appraisal which he considered a long-term relationship that would be considered a marriage. The female couple can then claim an allowance under the 2005 Domestic Violence Act that uses the phrase "relationship in marital nature". The court adjudicates a case in which a man, already married, is being sued by another woman.
In June 2012, Delhi High Court said that an educated and self-sustaining woman, but has quit her job voluntarily is not entitled to benefits. The verdict was granted in cases where a woman challenged a lower court's decision not to give her a benefit. The High Court showed that the woman was able to earn INR50,000 per month but chose to remain unemployed, and denied any benefits to her. However, the court ordered the husband to pay INR10,000 to get child support.
On 12 September 2013, the Karnataka High Court granted the same custody of a 12-year-old boy to both parents. The court ordered that the boy stay with his mother from July 1 to December 31 of each year and stay with his father from January 1 to June 30, until the child reaches adulthood. Both parents are also entitled to visit on Saturday and Sunday, when the child will be with other parents. The child is also allowed to call or video chat with other parents while in single person detention. The court also ordered both parents to bear the child's education and other expenses equally.
Proposed law
Marriage Act (Amendment), 2010
In 2010, the proposed amendment to the Hindu Marriage Law will allow the courts to decide compensation to the wives and children of the inheritance and inherit the property of the husband. The bill has provisions for "irreversible details" of marriages in which both sides have to live apart for three years before filing for divorce. The bill will also allow the wife to oppose the dissolution of the marriage if it will leave her in financial trouble.
SIFF protested the 2010 amendment. According to Rajesh Vakharia, president of the SIFF, this bill will encourage divorce and become costly for husbands, as they have to part with their assets. He called the bill a regressive step, stating that it jeopardizes the financial and social security of a man. He has shown that as most men marry after becoming financially secure, the possibility of losing their wealth and property will make men reluctant to marry and feed gynophobia in society.
Kumar V. Jahgirdar, founder and president of the Bangalore Children's Rights Initiative for Participating Parents (CRISP), said benefits should be decided on the basis of how many years married couples, and argue that the law does not allow a husband to refute his wife's claims. He also argues that it is based on the false assumption that children are always cared for by their mother, and that violates Article 14 of the Indian Constitution, the right to equality. Swarup Sarkar, founder and member of the Save Family Foundation, said the advice they offered to the Justice Minister and parliamentary committee was ignored.
Derek O'Brien, member of the All India Trinamool Congress political party, argues that this law empowers women at the expense of men. He proposed that this law should be made gender-neutral by using the word "spouse" instead of "wife" or "husband". Arvind Kumar Singh of the Samajwadi Party said the law has potential abuses such as anti-dowry law and added that the law treats men as parties responsible for divorce. Vandana Chavan of the Nationalist Congress Party has shown that the bill is unfair as it is today, many women get equal or more from their husbands. In addition, Amartya Talukdar voiced concerns that the bill changed marriage laws only to Hindus, who constitute 79 percent of the Indian population in 2011. Talukdar states, "If the Government really wants to realize women's empowerment, let them make it open to all part of the community Let them carry a uniform civil code Why is it only for Hindus? "
The bill was passed by Rajya Sabha in 2013. On December 18, 2014, DV Minister Sadananda Gowda in answering the question told parliament that the government had received complaints from human rights groups that the law would reduce the marriage rate in the country..
In February 2015, the bill has not been passed in Lok Sabha.
In November 2014, the Indian Law Commission began research and released a consultation paper on its website that sought public outlook on the proposed guidelines for joint custody and collective care. The Commission expects to complete the study in January 2015 and presents findings to the government for amendments to the law at the 2015 Parliamentary budget session.
Flavia Agnes, a lawyer and women's rights activist, opposed a joint parental legal consultation paper filed by the Indian Law Commission claiming that it was being lobbyed by a human rights organization and that it would erode the rights of women and children.
Domestic violence
According to male rights activists, incidents of domestic violence against men in recent years have increased. Activists say that many cases are not reported because men feel too ashamed to report abuse, or are afraid of false accusations against them in retaliation. The two groups, the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) and the India Social Awareness and Activism Forum (INSAAF), have called for inclusion of male issues in the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) conducted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to allow for the better about the situation that will arise.
Ram Prakash Chugh has stated that many cases of domestic violence against men are not reported because of male ego. Swarup Sarkar, the founder of the SIFF, says that there is no legal provision for married men facing verbal or mental abuse. The Indian Society of Awareness and Social Activism (INSAAF), and Confidare Research have drafted legislation aimed at protecting men and boys from domestic violence from their spouses, boyfriends and parents. The draft is called Men Save from the Intimate Terror Act (SMITA) and groups aimed at introducing debates in parliament.
Protection of Women from the Domestic Violence Act 2005 identifies domestic violence as harassment or threats of harassment, whether physical, sexual, verbal, emotional or economic. It provides protection to wives and spouses of women from domestic violence perpetrated by husbands, male partners living with or with their families. Swarup Sarkar of the Save Indian Family argues that the Domestic Violence Law should be gender-neutral. He also termed the law as legal terrorism.
Indira Jaising argues that men need not be covered in domestic violence because they have some other right to appeal, but women need special privileges to defend their lives in a male-dominated society.
The Jabalpur, Amarkantak and Hoshangabad areas of Madhya Pradesh report a large number of sadhu who have abandoned their marriages to become saints or yogis. According to the family counseling center in Jabalpur, the share of abused husbands is 70 percent among reporters per recorded data between 2013 and 2014. Around 4,500 husbands are missing from family court records in the region. A local resident stopped the police to chase after the man who had left the marriage and became a sadhu.
Rape reporting law
Between 2001 and 2012, the number of reported rapes increased from 16,075 to 24,923, but confidence fell from 40.8 percent to 24.2 percent. Some male rights activists show low levels of confidence and claim that the lack of punishment for reporting false rape has prompted a fake case. However, compared to other countries such as Sweden, Britain and France, India has a much higher level of confidence.
The Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) has claimed that the suicide rate of married men is almost twice that of women, as they are "unable to withstand the verbal, emotional, economic and physical abuse" of their wives. The SIFF has pointed to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data to show that suicide in married men is much higher than in married women. Kumar V. Jahgirdar, president of Child Rights Initiative for Shared Parenting (CRISP), has linked suicide among married men with family pressure.
Mithun Kumar, a researcher at SIFF, said that the police did not take action even if a man's suicide note stated that he was tortured by his wife and father-in-law, but in the case of a woman committing suicide her husband's family was taken into custody without investigation. However, in a 2012 report published by the researchers of the Million Death Study, it was stated that since attempting suicide in India is a crime until 2014, suicide is reportedly lacking, especially the suicide of married young women. Because in the case of the suicide of a married woman, usually her husband and family are responsible if suicide occurs within seven years of marriage. Sometimes suicide is wrongly categorized as accidental death.
Sexual sexual harassment
Women's Sexual Harassment at Work (Prevention, Banning, and Redressal) Act, 2013 is not gender-neutral and applies only to women's protection only. Rajesh Vakahria, a member of the SIFF, has demonstrated that the bill was initially gender-neutral until the Ministry of Women and Child Development and several NGOs intervened and changed its name. He said that it is an outdated concept to consider that only women are sexually abused.
The Khasi tribe
The Khasi tribe in Meghalaya state is matrilinear. Children take surnames of mothers, children have no right to property, and families without heirs usually adopt a girl. After marriage, a man moves into his wife's house. Their way of life was protected under the Khasi Social Custom of the Lineage Act of 1997. In 1990, the people of this tribe began a male liberation movement called Syngkhong Rympei Thymmai (Home Hearth Restructured). The previous movement started in the early 1960s to die for lack of support. The movement currently claims to have 2,000 members. According to them, due to lack of responsibility or sense of purpose, boys drop out, men turn to drugs and alcohol and die before reaching middle age. The movement sought, among other things, for children to take their father's name and end the property heritage system that benefits girls.
- Save the Indian Family Foundation
- Save Family-Karnataka India:
- Save Indian Family:
- All India Fronts Against Persecution by Wife (Akhil Bharatiya Patni Atyachar Virodhi Morcha)
- My Title
- Child Rights and Family Welfare
- Purush Hakka Sanrakshan Samiti
- Gender Human Rights Society
- Save the Family Foundation
- Confidare Research: Bangalore based organization.
- The Association of Men's Rights
- Karnataka Rajya Purushara Rakshana Samithi: A Karnataka-based organization that opposes the misuse of marriage laws.
- Sahodar Trust: A Delhi-based law firm that provides legal advice to men in cases of divorce and family law.
- Vaastav Foundation: A Mumbai-based organization providing assistance to husbands who are wrongly involved.
- Purusha Commission: An Odisha-based organization that sues the State Commission for Men.
- Hridaya-Nest of Family Harmony: An organization based in Kolkata.
- Middle East - Men Right & amp; Justice - UAE-based Group for NRI Victims in the GCC Area
See also
- Domestic violence
- The Law of the dowry in India
- Feminism in India
- Male rights movement
- Male room
- Nisha Sharma's dowry case, the 2003 case which resulted in the release in 2012
- Save Indian Family (SIF)
- Violence against men
- Violence against women
External links
- Save the India-Karnataka Family
- Vaastav Foundation
- Save the Indian Family Foundation
- Save the Family Foundation
- Save Indian Family
- My Nation
- The Association of Men's Rights
- The Center for Men's Rights
Source of the article : Wikipedia