Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

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Some causes of poverty change trends in a country's economy, lack of education, high divorce rates, have a culture of poverty, overpopulation, epidemic diseases such as AIDS and malaria, and environmental problems such as lack of rainfall. Extreme weather can be a cause of poverty in many countries. Drought, rainfall and flooding are the biggest causes of weather poverty. When natural disasters do not get media attention, raising money becomes more difficult. This is exacerbated when the government spends money in the capital rather than the poorest areas that need it the most.

Nearly 50 percent of people in the world today live on less than $ 2.50 a day.

In California, poverty in the elderly is reduced by the creation of a social security program. The poverty rate among seniors in the United States is 9 percent in 2010. In 1960 the official poverty rate among the elderly was 35 percent. The Netherlands offers universal pensions and leads the world with a 1.7 percent poverty rate among the elderly. Extreme poverty can affect life span, and lack of money through some type of pension system raises the level of poverty among parents around the world. Problems such as hunger, disease, and thirst are the causes and effects of poverty.

In a BBC discussion, Tony Blair stated that the cause of poverty is the inequality of opportunity.

Video Causes of poverty

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The International Food Study Institute has a brief collection of extensive studies analyzing the causes of poverty, analyzing household data and reviewing empirical research in 20 countries. They found that some of the major causes of poverty are the inability of poor households to invest in property and education, limited access to credit, in some cases these examples generate more poverty through inherited poverty. Systematic exceptions of ethnic minorities, scheduled caste, tribe, women and disabled people and health problems. The persistence of poverty is partly attributed to these classes which have no access to institutions and markets.

War and violence may be the main cause of poverty. Political violence and organized crime have affected 39 countries since 2000, in those countries the poverty rate is twice that of non-violent countries. These two things, poverty and violence can also feed themselves. When asked why young people joined gangs and rebel groups in half a dozen countries, two-thirds said unemployment was their main reason, only a tenth of which cited belief in the cause.

Colonialism has been cited as a cause of poverty, this idea rejected by Walter E. Williams which states that not all post-colonial countries have high poverty rates.

Third World countries have a low per capita GDP per cent, middle-income countries have an average rate of GDP per capita taxed and developed countries have higher per cent per capita taxes.

Places such as the Arctic and Antarctic are inhabitable but many people debate how many roles are played by the climate in Africa.

Maps Causes of poverty

Primary cause by country


In Bangladesh, the cause of poverty is due to low-income countries, which cause the poor to be exploited for very low wages, the number of major floods and overpopulation.


The Fraser Institute, a public policy think-tank reported that characteristics that increase the risk of Canada "experiencing persistent low income" include "having a physical or mental disability, being part of a single parent family, and having less than a secondary school education."


From 1921 to 2001 food prices increased due to changes in commodity price policies that increased poverty levels. From 1960 to 2009 slow economic growth has contributed to the persistence of poverty and also contributed to the poor to become poor. Although poverty has been reduced overall, poverty inequality has increased, according to the Asian Development Bank.

United States

Unemployment is a major cause of poverty in the US. In 1999 and 2005, 71 percent of families below the poverty line did not have working family members. Among families under the poverty line who have at least one family member who works, low wages and inadequate benefits are also the main causes.

South Africa

One of the main causes and effects of poverty in South Africa is unemployment. Unemployment causes families to live in unhealthy conditions due to the lack of financial means to improve living conditions. If parents are unemployed, this can also affect how children are raised and what type of education they receive. This issue has been recognized by the South African government and they have created organizations such as the Expanded Public Works Program, also known as the EPWP. This program is an important gateway for employment and income generation for poor families. Poverty-stricken people now have the opportunity to receive income thanks to the work provided by the EPWP.

Causes of Poverty in America

The main cause of poverty

The main cause of poverty

  • Lack of control on local food
  • Corruption is a major cause and consequence of poverty worldwide.
  • Lack of access to education
  • Mental illness, lack of proper psychiatric care
  • World hunger, economic development in the world
  • Epidemic disease
  • More Residents

History of causes

  • Slavery
  • Conquest

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See also

  • Unemployment is not voluntary
  • Poverty Reduction

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Leading Causes of Poverty in Kenya - YouTube

External links

  • Factors causing poverty and suffering

Source of the article : Wikipedia
