Senin, 02 Juli 2018

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Historical Calendar - Nevada Magazine

Nevada became the 36th state on October 31, 1864, after sending the Nevada Constitution to Congress a few days before the November 8 presidential election (the largest and most expensive transmission ever made by telegraph). The state was in a hurry to help secure three electoral votes for re-election of Abraham Lincoln and to add to the majority of the Republican congress.

The harsh but wealthy Nevada neighborhood shapes its history and culture. Before 1858 Mormon small settlements along the Utah border retained their communities through faith, but the secular western part stumbled together until the great strike that began in 1858 created boom towns and extraordinary wealth. After the beginning of the 20th century, profits dropped while Progressive reformers sought to curb capitalism. They envisage a civilized Nevada at university, lofty ideals, and social reform. But a bust of the economy during the 1910s and the disappointment of failure on social reform and a population decline of almost a quarter meant that in 1920 Nevada had turned into "a beautiful desert of buried hope." The explosion came back when big gambling arrived in 1931, and with good transportation (especially to the California metropolitan area), the nation's easiest divorce law, and speculative rich-speculative spirit, Nevada has a largely boom-and-bust economy boom until the global financial crisis of 2008 revealed tremendous speculation in housing and casinos on a large scale.

Video History of Nevada

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Geologic events form the topography of the state and Range territories, the physiographic area of ​​the "Nevada Valley", and the central Nevada desert (eg, the Lahontan Pleistocene Lake recession changes the direction of the Humboldt River), and the Great Basin. The Paiute, Shoshone, Quoeech, Washoe, and Walapai tribes have inhabited Nevada for thousands of years before the European-Americans arrived in the 18th century.


Exploration, Exploration, _New_Spain, _and_Mexico "> Exploration, New Spain, and Mexico

In the 1770s, Franciscan missionary Francisco Garcà © s, born in Morata del Conde, Aragon, Spain in 1738, was the first European in the area. Nevada was annexed as part of the Spanish Empire in the northwestern region of New Spain. Administratively, the Nevada region is part of Command General Provincias Internas at Viceroyalty of New Spain. Nevada became part of the California Provincial ( Above California ) province in 1804 when California was divided. With the victory of the Mexican War of Independence in 1821, the province of Alta California became a territory - not a Mexican state, because of its small population. In later years, the desire to increase autonomy led to several attempts by Alta Californians to gain independence from Mexico.

Jedediah Smith entered the Las Vegas Valley in 1827, and Peter Skene Ogden explored the Humboldt River in 1828. As a result of the Mexican-American War and Treaty Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico permanently lost Alta California in 1848. New territories were acquired by America The Union continues to be managed as a territory. As part of the Cession of Mexico (1848) and the subsequent California Gold Rush that uses Emigrant Trails through the area, the territory of the country evolved first as part of the Utah Territory, then the Nevada Territory (March 2, 1861, named for Sierra Nevada). ). Capitol is Carson City.


Nevada became part of the United States with the Guadalupe Hidalgo Agreement with Mexico in 1848. Mexico never had control in Nevada, but the American mountain people were in Washoe (early name for Nevada) as early as 1827. Permanent presence in America began in 1851 when Mormon setting up road stations to California goldfields. In the absence of governmental authority, about 50 Mormons and non-Mormon prospectors and cattle ranchers devised a "Washoe code" to deal with land claims; its scope finally covers other governance issues. There is still no federal presence in the area so religious tension worsens and petition complaints go to Washington. Non-Mormons seek annexation to California. The Utah region denied this by entering the region as a county. When the Federal forces were sent to Utah in 1857, Mormon left Washoe. Non-Mormon takes over and launches a step for a separate territorial status.

The early 1860s saw the end of the Indian war, the massive Comstock mining boom of 1859 in Virginia City and the advent of the Civil War. The provisional territorial government led to the creation of the Nevada Territory by Congress in 1861. Pragmatic attempts to establish a workable border institution have failed and the paternalistic territorial system has been welcomed.

State Status

State status appeared in 1864 after the Carson City (July 4-28) service and the September 7 vote (population 6,857 in 1860 increased to 42,941 in 1870), although Nevada was far less than 60,000 people typically require.

The University of Nevada was founded in Elko in 1874 and moved to Reno in 1885 (extension classes began in Las Vegas in 1951).

Water source

The largest reservoir of the United States (Lake Mead) was created by the Hoover Dam on the border of the Colorado River state of 1867 (construction began in 1931). From 1930 to 2000, the Clark County population grew from 8,532 to 1,375,765; while the Reno population increased from 18,529 to 180,480.


Discovery 1859 Comstock Lode opened the silver mining era in Nevada, and attracted thousands of miners - mostly from California. Discovered by James Finney in Carson County. The dispute over the legal limits of a claim is immediately brought to justice, because the Apex Law, used to define the limits, can not be executed for the ore body in Comstock. The Carson County legal and judicial system is not ready for the extraordinary demands placed there. Judges are underpaid and unqualified, bribery of witnesses and juries are common, unclear records create difficulties that can hardly be overcome with property rights, and evidence is often destroyed. Although applicable mining legislation is still required, the withdrawal of the entire Territorial Supreme Court in 1864 did cause litigation to be stopped and allow mining work to continue.

There is a gold rush that created the Aurora in (1860). Located on the disputed border with California, at a time Aurora is the county county center in California and Nevada, until the border dispute settles in Aurora in Nevada.

The 1867 expansion of the country's southern border was driven by gold discoveries in the area because officials thought Nevada would be better able to keep an eye on the expected gold rush. In 1872, Nevada mining was a huge speculative and wealth industry. After 1870, however, the mining industry went into the eclipse, as Silverite state politicians worked to secure the law to ask the federal government to buy silver.

The discovery of silver and gold in 1910 near Tonopah triggered an explosion that ended the Nevada economic depression.

Operators use the best available technology to recover gold and silver from ores, but according to modern standards, there are many chemical inefficiencies and pollution. Methods include use of arrastra, process terrace, Freiberg process, and Washoe pot process. Estimated value lost through recovery process ran as high as 25%. The mine operators are looking for better technology, but do not want to wait for years or decades for it to arrive. No one at that time understood health problems like metals like mercury can cause.


Although cross-continental trains crossed the country in 1869, most towns and mines were far from it and required a network of freight and stagecoaches. Many small companies supply horses, mules, and carts to carry borax and silver ore. Stagecoaches are notoriously uncomfortable on the ground without a path, but better than alternatives and develop until the train finally arrives. Hold-ups are rare, and usually engage in petty theft because armed guards are an effective deterrent. Letter contracts make the stage stand up and allow the emergence of a class of entrepreneurs who won the contract and subcontracted the actual work.

Eureka and Palisade Railroad is a ninety-mile-long narrow railway built in 1875 to carry silver ore from Eureka, Nevada, to the Southern Pacific Railroad railway that flows through Palisade. Nevertheless, in spite of John Sexton's firm and colorful management style, the line surrendered to the effects of floods, fires, competing road traffic, and the declining number of ore extracted in Eureka. The rail and rail of the narrow railroad tracks remaining in Nevada were removed in 1938.

Historic highways include 1937 US 6 and 1919 US 50 (Lincoln Highway). The 1926 goal of the first airmail flight was Elko. Interstate 15 in Nevada was completed in 1974, while the Lovelock bypass was the last part that Interstate 80 completed in Nevada.

City mining

Golconda is a mining town in northern Nevada that was built when the discovery of copper, silver, gold and tin brought in entrepreneurs who opened mines and factories in the district. The diverse communities of Native Americans, French, Portuguese, Paiutes, Chinese, and others come to Golconda to live and work. During 1898-1910, the city had a train depot, several hotels, schools, businesses, newspapers, and two brothels. The population reached about six hundred in 1907-08. Although the amplifier predicted growth for Golconda, after 1910 mines were played, leaving the area as an area of ​​farms and farms. Much of the city's buildings from its heyday of mining were gone, and Golconda today is a small stop on Interstate 80.

Tuscarora was founded in Elko County after an expedition by merchant William Heath found gold. As miners flocked to the city in 1867-70, a fort was built to offer protection from Indian attacks and water trenches were created to supply the city with water. Many Chinese men employed by Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR) moved into the city and began to mine. The second explosion began after the discovery of silver in 1876-77.

A strike in Tonopah (1900, silver) was followed by a strike at Goldfield (1902-1919, gold) and Rhyolite (1904-1911, gold). The attack took Nevada to the forefront of the nation again, like Comstock Lode in Virginia City, Nevada in the late 1800s. While Comstock made dozens of wealthy owners, Goldfield's gold and stocks were sold with speculation making two very wealthy people.

George S. Nixon and George Wingfield were worth $ 30 million after taking their Goldfield Consolidated Mining Company in 1906. The partner suffered a loss the following year and Nye County Bank Nix was in trouble.

However, Wingfield reaped more luck than real estate, especially after moving to Reno, Nevada. After gambling was legalized in 1931, Wingfield again earned money from leases and partnerships in several casinos.

As many Nevada cities undergo boom and bust cycles, gambling keeps the country's economy strong. However, the remains of mining led to the appointment of the 1989 Carson River Mercury Site (Superfund)

Rio Tinto was developed after the discovery of copper in the Northern Elko County Cope Mining District. The city moved from mine to mine and it went from boom to bust in regular cycles. In 1919, Frank Hunt found copper in the area and then named his claim Rio Tinto. After investors and large mining companies were attracted to Hunt copper, the city soon grew and filled with homes to house miners. After all the copper was removed, Rio Tinto suffered the same fate as most boom towns and vanished.

Maps History of Nevada


More than 87% of Nevada's territory is owned by the federal government, as a homestead for a maximum of 640 hectares (2.6 km 2 ) in the dry country is generally too little land for decent agriculture. Instead, the early settlers will manage the land around the water source, and then graze the cattle in adjacent public land, which is useless without access to water. The Greatest Homestead Act of 1909, the establishment of a state dry agricultural experiment station, and personal promotional efforts encouraged dry farming within a fifty mile radius of Wells, Nevada, but a combination of low rainfall, short summers, , mediocre. land, and the wrong judgment of the settlers themselves almost ended an unpleasant experiment after 1916.

Carson City History

20th century

The state is the smallest in terms of population. The 1930 census reported 91,000 people, with Reno the largest city at 19,000 and Las Vegas at 5,000. 62% of the people live in cities with less than 2,500 people or in rural areas along with 340,000 cattle and 830,000 sheep.


The discovery of gold in Tonopah in 1900 brought together a group of people who dominated Nevada politics for half a century. They include George Wingfield (mine owner, banker and screen-player); George Nixon (banker, editor and co-founder of the Silver party); Key Pittman (US Senator), Vail Pittman (Key Pittman's brother, governor); Pat McCarran (US Senator) and George Thatcher (leader of the Democratic Party of the country)

John Edward Jones and Reinhold Sadler, governor of the Nevada Silver Party, during 1895-1903, shared a background and ascended to political power on the same route. Individuals were European immigrants who came to the country in the 1870s mining boom, prospered financially, and became involved in politics until the boom collapsed in the late 1870s. Later Jones and Sadler embraced bimetallism and antidote for all Nevada economic ills - desert land reclamation to provide an economy that was based in part on agriculture.

Religion and ethnicity

As most of Nevada is sparsely populated and a victim of economic and frenzied explosions accompanied by population fluctuations, Catholic churches face difficulties in spiritually serving their spreading and moving communicators. The life of the Nevada Catholic parish until 1900 reflects the Irish heritage of the parish priests and most of their herds. Slavic, Italian, and Basque Catholics moved to the state after 1900 and occasionally allied with Native Americans so that the traditional Catholic dominance of Ireland was markedly reduced in the 1930s.

Italian Americans worked in Nevada as miners, but, unlike many other immigrants, quite a lot of Italians who lived after the mining explosion collapsed; they became the largest European ethnic group in 1910. Many farms and farms are operated. In addition to using significant economic influences, they fundamentally affect Nevada's social fabric in other ways, in part because of their persistent antislerikalism


Due to the hostility of miners and their sympathizers, the statutes of the state and Nevada states are largely unenforceable since 1859 until the mining boom of Comstock Lode collapsed in the 1870s. After 1881, the state sought to limit gambling through licenses and other legal controls. The opponents of gambling and prostitution became organized and in the Progressive Era finally persuaded state legislators to ban statewide gambling in 1910 as part of a national anti-gambling campaign.

During the Great Depression in the United States, Nevada legalized gambling - calling it "gambling" - in 1931; (The North Club received the first license). At that time, the main supporters of gambling expect that it will be a short-term improvement until the country's economic base widened to include fewer cyclical industries. However, re-enacting gambling has never been taken seriously since then, and industry has become a major source of Nevada's current income. Gambling tax accounted for 34% of the state revenue.

Also in 1931 the terms of residence for divorce were reduced to six weeks, making Reno a famous mecca for lightning divorce and people from all over the country to "take the medicine." In the 1930s, Bank Bank Reno was the largest company in the state. It was also the largest casino in the world until Harold's Club outranked it in the 1950s.

The Second World War was very good for Reno as a local base and those in Northern California helped boost the economy. In the late 1940s, "Bugsy" Siegel helped get Las Vegas on the map by building the world's most expensive casino, the Flamingo, and then shot dead at his home in Beverly Hills.

Las Vegas casinos of the 1950s are mostly low-rise buildings that take advantage of the wide open space that Reno does not offer in downtown Virginia Street. However, Las Vegas was blaring with new luxury hotels in the 1960s and casino gambling cities attract players from around the world, and away from Reno and Lake Tahoe. Gambling is what Nevada is famous for. The 1931 gambling legislation enables explosive growth of the Las Vegas area, where the population grew from 5 thousand in 1930 to 1.9 million in 2008.


Brothels have been tolerated in Nevada since the mid-19th century; one in Elko has been in business since 1902. In 1937, the law was enacted to demand weekly health checks of all prostitutes. Reno and Las Vegas have red light districts, when the federal government banned all prostitution near military bases in 1942 (appointed in 1948). In 1951, both Reno and Las Vegas had closed their red-light district as a public nuisance. In Clark County, prostitution is illegal.

History of Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort State Historic Park | State Parks

Military activity

Military and other government explorations in the region include attempts by John C. Frà © mont (1843), Lieutenant E. G. Beckwith (1854), and Fortieth Parallel Survey (1867). During the American Civil War, the area deployed infantry and cavalry, and American Indian War battles occurred in Nevada during the Snake War (1864-1868). The Old West American Fort in Nevada includes Fort Churchill, Fort Halleck, Fort McDermit and Fort Schellbourne. Hawthorne Army Depot is currently established for the production of ammunition in 1930.

World War II

Senator Pat McCarran and other Nevada officials campaigned successfully in Washington to open military installations in Nevada. It's a vast land, sunny weather and a good railway connection. The Gunnery School of the Las Vegas Army, the Magnesium Base factory, the Nellis Air Force Base, and other facilities bring thousands of people to the area for training as well as workers to build housing, air routes and other military installations.

Las Vegas Army Air Field and Tonopah AAF were created from existing airfields, and the United States Air Force Air Force built four additional Nevada airfields in 1942, including Indian Springs AAF, Reno Army Air Base, and facilities near Fallon. Emergency ranges and strips include Battle Mountain Flight Strip, Black Rock Desert gun range (part of the Range Gunnery Aerial Gunnery during the Cold War), Churchill Flight Strip, and Owyhee Flight Strip. Both AAF Tonopah and Indian Springs AAF each have 5 additional airfields including Indian Springs' at Forty-Mile Canyon Field and Groom Lake Field. Camp Williston (1940-1944) in Boulder City provides security for the Henderson Basic Magnesium Factory (14,000 employees) and Hoover Dam (a concrete observation station still exists).

Nuclear test

The nuclear test began at the Nevada Proving Ground in 1951 with a 1 kiloton bomb dropped on Frenchman Flat. More than 1000 nuclear detonations were carried out until the last atmospheric explosion at the site in 1962 and the last underground explosion in 1992. In 2002, Congress approved the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository at the site.

The accidents of the famous military aircraft in Nevada include the 1948 Lake Mead Boeing B-29, 1949 Stead AFB F-51 crash, and several USAF Thunderbird demonstration teams crashed, including the 1982 Indian Springs AFAF formation that killed 4 pilots. Spy pilot testing in Area 51 began in April 1955, and stealth fighter testing began in 1982 at the Tonopah Test Range, where in 2008 the last F-117 Nighthawk had retired in safe storage. The USAF Red Flag Combat Training was first held in 1975 at the Nellis Air Force Range, and the US Navy TOPGUN school was transferred to Naval Air Station Fallon in 1996.

Virgin Valley Water District, Mesquite, Nevada: History

Recent history

Nevada loves a highly individualistic political culture, giving it conservative-conservative political philosophy in open society. The riches of mining and gambling reinforce the individualistic ethics brought by the early settlers. Libertarian ethics appears in the opposition of most Nevada residents to big government, big workers, and big business. Trade unions, especially SEIU that organize hotel and casino workers, are growing among minority workers in Las Vegas. Limited government confidence leads to voters who support the pro-choice position of abortion when opposing the Equal Rights Amendment for women. The country's ongoing disputes with the federal government involve long-standing water rights disputes between Native Americans, backed by the federal government, and Nevada breeders; and a decade-long struggle against the establishment of the first permanent storage nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain.

In 1998, the largest industries were services (40.7% of revenues), construction (11.6%), and state/local governments (10.0%).

  • Nickname: "The Silver State",
  • Motto: "All For Our Country" (1866)
  • Flowers: sagebrush (1917)
  • Trees: single leaf pinyon (1953)
  • (the 1929 banner using the words "Battle Born", and "Nevada" was added in 1991).

In June 2017, heat waves grounded more than 40 small aircraft flights on earth, with American Airlines reducing sales on certain flights to prevent vehicles exceeding the maximum weight allowed for safe takeoff and Las Vegas tying record highs at 117 degrees Fahrenheit.

Autumn Hiking and History in the Sierra Nevada, Tahoe National ...

See also

  • Las Vegas history and timeline
  • Reno history and timeline

Comstock Lode - Wikipedia


Team History â€

Further reading


  • Driggs, Don W. and Leonard E. Goodall. Nevada Politics and Government: Conservatism in the Open Society (1996). online edition, university textbook
  • Elliott, Russell R., and William D. Rowley. History of Nevada (2nd ed. 1987) online edition
  • Green, Michael S. Nevada: Silver Country History (2015).
  • Hulse, James W. Nevada Adventure (6th ed., 1990), for high school
  • Rowley, William D. "The Enterprise of Nevada History," Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 57 (2014) 139-59; Historiography.

Cities and regions

  • Brigham, Jay. "Reno, Las Vegas, and Strip: The Story of Three Cities." Western Historical Quarterly 46.4 (2015): 529-530.
  • Moehring, Eugene P. Resort City in Sunbelt: Las Vegas, 1930-2000 (2000).
  • Moehring, Eugene, "Urban Impact: Cities and Cities in Nevada's History," Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 57 (2014): 177-200.
  • Rowley, Rex J. Everyday Las Vegas: Local Life in a Tourist City (2013)

Economy and people

Bennett, Dana R., "'New Large Industrial Growth': Nevada's Economic Transformation, 1918-1929," Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, 52 (Autumn 2009), 175- 97.
  • DePolo, Ron, and Mark Pingle. "A Statistical History of the Nevada Population, 1860-1993," Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, December 1994, Vol. 37 # 4, pp 282-306
  • Douglass, William A. and Jon Bilbao, Amerikanuak: Basques in the New World (1975), scientific studies; ch 6 covers Nevada
  • Elliott, Russell R. Mining Twentieth Century Nevada (1965).
  • Glass, Mary Ellen. Silver and Politics in Nevada, 1892-1902 (1969)
  • Goldman, Marion. Gold Diggers and Silver Miners (1981).
  • Politics

    • Bushnell, Eleanore, ed. Sagebrush and Neon: Studies in Nevada Politics (2nd ed. 1976).
    • Edwards, Jerome E. Pat McCarran: The Nevada Political Boss (1982), a very detailed narrative covering 1916 to 1954
    • Elliott, Gary E. Senator Alan Bible and Politics of New West (1994)
    • Mack, Effie Mona. Nevada: History of the Country from Early Age to Civil War (1936)
    • Raymond, Elizabeth. George Wingfield: Owner and Operator of Nevada (1992)
    • Titus, A. Constandina. ed. Battle Born: Federal-State Conflict in Nevada during Twentieth Century (1989)

    Primary source

    • Reid, John B.. and Ronald M. James, eds. Revealing the Nevada Past: The History of the Silver Country Primary Source (2004)

    File:Firefighters, Carson City, NV, c. 1860 cph.3a03485.jpg ...

    External links

    • books and online articles
    • Federal Writer Project (1957), "Chronology", Nevada: Guide for the Silver Country , American Guide Series, Portland, Or : Binfords & amp; Mort

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
